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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Pats* have the culture of cheating, so I'd watch out for that.
  2. 1. Mike Williams : Titans 2. Corey Davis : Browns 3. Malik Hooker : Saints 4. OJ Howard : Jets 5 Mitch Trubisky : Bears Bills Pick (bonus) : Foster
  3. Yes, I actually thought about this while commuting home and I was going to edit my post. She lost to a buffoon who didn't have the backing of his party and may end up being the worst president yet. She's got to be at the top of the list. Yup. I think she said it once to a small gathering and got guffaws, and in her echo chamber world thought it would be a great idea to repeat the deplorables line.
  4. Hillary wasn't necessarily a bad candidate. She was viewed as a bad person. I also believe that a lot of voters didn't want her to polish off the Obama legacy of far left progressivism. The main factor that could be seen as making her a bad candidate was that she didn't put forth much campaigning effort because she perceived herself to be a shoo-in who had the loyal backing of her party and the media.
  5. Buffalo Bills 2017: "You Like Train Horns?" Buffalo Bills 2017: "You're Still Here?!" Buffalo Bills 2017: "If Cleveland is the Factory of Sadness, We're the Flagship Store."
  6. Usually true until the Finals. Things even out by then. I love watching the West games in the early rounds.
  7. Rangers outplayed Montreal in OT, made their own luck and won it. Up 3 games to 2 and going back to the Garden.
  8. Sorry, not buying it about Pegula. He has shown with both teams that he can't hire right. He should stay out of the process entirely. Go dig a well and fall into it or something until someone else chooses the next duo. Pegula could go into any bar in town and pull the first person he sees off a stool and have that person easily do a better job at choosing personnel than he's shown to do. I thought the Sabres should have used the Bills' "one voice" mentality with Murray. Have that guy stay in the background and make deals. Have someone else be the front man. Murray could have gotten one more shot in my book, especially with this unique offseason coming up with Vegas thrown into the mix. I hate the timing of this, but if Murray wasn't going to be the guy going forward then I suppose now is better than later. I hate to see anyone lose their job, but Bylsma wasn't the right guy to coach this team. I hope they get this next decision right. I have zero confidence that they will.
  9. West Conference playoffs are much more fun to watch. I love the way Minnesota plays and they're down two games. The difference between the two conferences becomes less obvious by the finals, thankfully.
  10. Montreal scores with 17.3 left in third. OT.
  11. Rangers gonna have to hold on tight for the last 5 minutes to avoid overtime. Habs are coming on strong.
  12. Maybe a little perspective would help. I'm not saying Eichel is any of these guys (but he's alike in the sense that he is a franchise guy) Gretzky and Messier didn't win cups until their fifth seasons, and they had each other on the same team. Yzerman didn't win a cup until he was 30 years old. They tanked to get Eichel. He's got to know that they bottomed out. If he isn't patient enough to wait until the remainder of the team's talent is put into place, then he's going to have issues anywhere he goes. I doubt he's that guy.
  13. The question is whether he brought Pegula a bottle of red wine. It's worked before.
  14. ... this is the goalie Murray thought he was getting from Ottowa. Ah, I can't bring myself to care at this point.
  15. Big hands. Those hands are big. Gotta respect those hands.
  16. I think Romo might be limited to single-level homes at this point.
  17. Read what you write -- or don't write it at all. Know the subject of the thread, or keep your single payer crusade in another more appropriate thread.
  18. You don't get how the economy works, do you? Everything you're saying in a thread about the vagaries of socialism points toward you being in favor of a socialist regime. And not only that, you're happy to take from anyone that you think is unworthy of retaining property that they earned or built for themselves. Got it. Well once you get your way, please kick my ass into the gulag, because I'm not going down that road with you.
  19. Taxes = mandate. Mandate = invasive. And if you don't care about 17% of our GDP collapsing then there's no use going any further. You do see how that will reach down to every level of the economy. But Socialism to the rescue, right?
  20. As to (A): you say that your don't want a mandate, but then you describe a mandate. As to (B): it wasn't a right then and it isn't a right now. Do you want everyone to have the same coverage? How does everyone pay for their own coverage? As to ©: I'm not sure what you're saying there. Do you want every student to have standardized education? What about private schools? As to (D): Yes, it absolutely does. Any step towards socialism takes this country down that road. It is human nature to NOT be socialists. If a government wants to force the issue, then that's what you eventually wind up with. When you say that this country needs a single payer health care system, what do you think will happen when the insurance companies, their employees, their investments and their segment of the economy collapses (and takes the greater economy with it)? A bailout? Just have the government take them over?
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