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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Sure, the butterflies look good. But they taste worse than the dung beetles.
  2. Just goes to show, there's someone for everyone.
  3. I agree with you. When I say stuff like this I'm usually compared to Don Cherry. I think this issue is a minor factor in the Capitals' repeated playoff exits.
  4. ^^ So endeth the thread. ^^
  5. Maybe he's talking about SSI, which isn't funded by social security, but by federal taxes and has little to do with paying into the system to become eligible. https://www.ssa.gov/ssi/ A good example of a racket.
  6. It's medicinal. Easing the pain of suffering through current events.
  7. Trump in Zubaz just seems so right. MZGA
  8. A ton of empty seats in Anaheim for game 1 of the Conference Finals.
  9. Is that advice? I'd add to it (to myself) don't get too surly when someone calls me out on my own stupidity.
  10. Take the second job. You can spend the extra commuting time convincing yourself that your current crazy, inexperienced manager was going to be a disaster. Keep applying for an alternative closer to home. If you get interviews, call Job #2 a "bridge job" to get you to a permanent position (sort of like the Bills' QB situation). If you love Job #2 then there's no need to keep looking.
  11. Yeah, I get it. Did you not read what I wrote 5 posts after the one you selectively quoted? Here, l will help you (and I won't edit it and cherry pick a line from it). Go back and figure it out if you want context.
  12. Cripe sakes, where's the etiquette? Either yell fore or let the bird play through.
  13. You think all that free publicity painting him in the worst possible light and calling him a clown for the entire election cycle = the press propping him up and supporting him? The same press that constantly reported poll numbers that showed he had no shot at winning?
  14. Based on the tales that I remember, Merlin was born and was considered the Antichrist (but that seemed to have been overlooked after awhile because he proved useful as a child advisor to a few Kings of the time). He was a child and aged into and adult. I don't recall his demise.
  15. I wasn't trying to get you on a technicality. Everything decays over time. Fast or slow, doesn't matter. Faster or slower than similar or the same things doesn't matter.
  16. Actually, you get older every day.
  17. Job interview. Maybe Lavrov for FBI Director. Either that or Secret Police Commandant.
  18. What kind of person doesn't like stale, crispy peanut butter? My favorite is Snickers. Then Reese's. Then Almond Joy.
  19. I think you're looking in the wrong direction. The US had Iran sandwiched and lost containment when they pulled out of Iraq.
  20. I gotta say, a 8 year old in 5th grade is actually pretty impressive.
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