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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Problem solved! Thanks for the research Nervous Guy.
  2. Do they make cat diapers? That would be a perfect solution here.
  3. That's no ordinary duck. That's one of those inflatable space stations out on a test run checking for leaks.
  4. "Ain't gonna be no rematch."
  5. It's too bad Noriega recently died. He would have been perfect to fix things up.
  6. It won't happen but it would be great if Trump said we are pulling out so that the Senate can consider it and do the job right (up or down vote, I would take the result). That would leave Senate R's running in circles, too. Hilarity ensues.
  7. Bill and Ted's Excellent adventure. Why has this not been mentioned yet?
  8. Jim Kelly something something linebacker.
  9. Rock N Roll High School ...they blow up the school at the end.
  10. I bet the other way around would be much better. You could probably get W to piss himself laughing about Cheny shooting that guy by accident.
  11. When does the steady "Gotcha!" from everyone who opposes Trump (and their incessant desire to impeach him) turn into a type of treason of its own? Let's all gang up on him and overthrow him.
  12. Honestly, I like to wait for more than unattributed sources and overblown acts by Trump that don't amount to much (or at least haven't yet). I asked two questions in my post. Neither has been answered. Looks like you're the one who's made up his mind already. If there is evidence that amounts to an impeachable offense then go for it. Until then, shut up with the drumbeat.
  13. Will play action come from under center, or from the shotgun?
  14. He asked them to lie? Or did he ask them to tell the truth?
  15. Turkey and provolone is an excellent combo. Good with Dijon or mayo, a little lettuce and a small amount of red onions..
  16. I want impeachment NOW!!! When will they start the proceedings already?!?! Wait...where did everybody go?
  17. "I'll take: Wardrobe Selections for Men Who Like to be Punched for $400, Alex".
  18. How's this for a plot twist (not saying I believe it): Seth Rich was the Trump campaign colluder -- working as a DNC staffer on the sly. He gave the DNC materials to the Russians (who in turn gave them to Wicki) and the Russians whacked him. Or, he actually was robbed and that was just a strange coincidence.
  19. Based on the thread title, I thought this was going in a different direction.
  20. Well to be honest, sometimes he just goes over there and lies under it.
  21. I wouldn't expect him to come out of the embassy and squint into the light of the sun anytime soon.
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