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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Or this more optimistic version: "Remember the people you see on the way down so you can crap on them on the way back up."
  2. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
  3. To further that thought: Everyone is an arsehole, It is just a matter of degree.
  4. They charge $3.00/hot dog. Roughly need to sell 270/day to break even.
  5. If Mueller's Dem cronies don't turn up anything then it is a better outcome for Trump. If Mueller's Dem cronies do turn up something, then Trump will complain about the unfairness and railroading.
  6. Is the interview with Terry Pegula, because I hear that if you bring a bottle of ... oh forget it!
  7. Yep, that's pretty much what my dog did to my yard, too. Shouldn't this be in the pet peeves thread (no pun intended)?
  8. It is human nature. Plain and simple. The only way to overcome this is by employment of a totalitarian regime. People won't voluntarily subscribe to your way, they haven't in the past, they won't in the future. Your plan looks good on paper, but it doesn't work in the real world.
  9. I figure that a lot of the trades that teams want to make can't/won't be made until after the expansion draft for the reasons you are bringing up. This is a weird offseason.
  10. Uh, you'll probably get your links tomorrow after Comey is done testifying. There will be a lot of them and they will say polar opposites. The links will come from people on this board who you've come to expect to post them.
  11. Maybe just bolster and make more efficient the food stamp and the re-training programs already in place, put these programs in the hands of states so they can figure out the local costs and impacts of the programs and you've got a start. Handing out $$ to anyone who lost a job is dis-incentivizing people to go out and actually do work. This also addresses Gobills808's thought of handing out money to people fo just "being".
  12. Hello? How "advanced" could they be if they couldn't figure out the ramifications of slaughtering a Mongol peace delegation?
  13. Dude, we just need to figure out where Marv lives and you just outed yourself!
  14. Well if it is ISIS acting on their own, then I'd actually feel better about my concern between Iran/Saudi. That's a cruiserweight battle that I don't think anyone wants to see. I think your Russian disinformation idea is more effective toward painting ISIS as an arm of Saud to attempt to destabilize the peninsula. Whether it is true or not is irrelevant. That's what I was trying to get at with someone trying to capitalize on Saudi/Qatar. I don't think the Russians had anything to do with that part of it -- I think the Qatar matter involves the US because it included Egypt, too, with the Islamic Brotherhood claims. I also always thought the US parked themselves in Afghanistan and Iraq with the added benefit of containing Iran. As soon as they left Iraq a lot more crap started hitting the fan with the Iranians (and then the nuclear deal made things worse).
  15. Hey, maybe it came back too high and management doesn't want you taking over the place. ...Or, you scored really low.
  16. Could be, I suppose. They, or Iran, or both. Though it was an actual attack on parliament in Tehran, wasn't it? That's a pretty big punch in the nose, especially if it is self-inflicted. Nice! Do you get a free bowl of soup with that comment?
  17. Makes you wonder what the connection between the Qatar smackdown and this are. The timing makes it seem connected, and one of the reasons for manhandling Qatar was their movement towards Iran. If (a big if) the Saudis are behind this attack then they're really sticking their elbows in some guts. Maybe they want to reinforce their dominance of the peninsula, since Iran's been pushing hard toward trying to control the whole region. Either that, or else someone is trying to capitalize on Qatar and bring the Saudis and Iranians closer to direct hostilities. I have doubts whether the Saudis even like ISIS or would use then for a job like this. And I have serious doubts about whether the Saudis want their proxy fight to be brought into their borders via an Iranian retaliation. So many moving parts and I can't see anyone gaining from the provocation.
  18. Well you could put a good portion of those people in government jobs having them figure out what the right COL is in each part of the country and administering the program. A new giant gov't arm for a new system to game. Then you could also have a subsidized program to re-train the displaced to maintain the robotics and diagnose/maintain the AI. But then again, if all those people are either employed by the government to administer the new program or trained to work within the new technology, then the program would cease to be necessary. I'm only being half snarky here. I understand the potential need for UBI, but I also see that it will create a whole new cottage industry of making, administering, and collecting handouts.
  19. Where in this thread did you say mirror mirror?Dev said it and DR was replying to that post.
  20. Or the other side of the coin where Comey says "don't worry, I've got nothing that will hurt you", and T Rump doesn't assert anything.
  21. There's the nucleus of Trump's campaign and his presidency so far, and pretty much the only thing he's consistent on. He has said that he wants to undo most of the US relationships and major legislation that have an economic impact on the economy and re-negotiate them. Trade agreements, Boeing airplanes, nato contributions, ACA, tax code, Paris accord all fall into this category.
  22. Sounds like a two state solution to me. If you want to live in Hillarystag, put on a blue shirt and go stand over there. If you want to live in the Trumpreich, wear red and stand over there. Like the makings of a dr Seuss book.
  23. (E) Nobody knows what's in his mind because he can't properly communicate, verbally or in writing. He leaves everyone wondering and parsing and misinterpreting. People like to posit that he does this on purpose, but I don't think so. (F) There were 16 other GOP candidates in the Primary. 16 other candidates that the GOP wanted instead of Trump. They currently have Congress and the White House. I know it's early and I'm usually a lot more patient than this, but what's that gotten them? Nothing. Instead of capitalizing on their fortune, they've made themselves part of The Great National Temper Tantrum. On top of that, they can't fend off Chuck Schumer for Christ's sake. 18 more months of this and you'll see the results in the mid-terms. The smartest thing the GOP can do is let the States have their rights back, where there's a much greater chance of getting their policies put into action.
  24. (A) She's a loser. Dems aren't going to waste their time with her again. Especially after rigging the primary against Bernie. (B) She said the other day that she's not running again. ( C ) She's old and tired. (D) He's old, not tired BUT (E) He may not run for a second term -- seems already like his heart is less and less in it as the machine grinds him down. (F) The GOP is stupid and has no foreseeable leadership and will make the wrong decision, whatever that is. All that said, there was a Rocky 2. So what the hell do I know.
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