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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The US should have let the South run with their Sunshine Policy when they had a chance. US plays bad cop and holds off China from getting too cozy with the North while South plays good cop and puts up with The crazy little troll and all the while "Glasnosting" the hell out of the population. China doesn't want a unified peninsula and that whole country is like an undeveloped swath of land ripe for expansion. It would take a couple generations to pull it off but would be worth it. They could have been a decade into that plan by now.
  2. Dude, the Bills are always ranked 27th in everything. They could have the Falcons roster and PFF would rank them 27th.
  3. People don't die under Obamacare. They die under any other plan, just not Obamacare.
  4. No worries. DNC would've rigged that primary, too.
  5. NYC issues medallions for yellow cabs in order to limit their number, in part , to avoid congestion on the streets. Picture an Uber driver who's from queens having to take a ride to Brooklyn or the Bronx and they don't really know the neighborhood at all (not uncommon). They have to pick up their fare, get the person to wherever they want to go, and then try to navigate the trip. Then they need to navigate their way out of the neighborhood, usually gumming up the locals in the process. As of January, this year rideshare cars outnumber yellow cabs 4:1. I know they're not all on the road at the same time, but even at half capacity there are 3 times as many cabs on the road as usual. You notice the difference pretty easily. This comes on the heels of the TLC giving out a bunch more medallions to a few thousand "green" cabs (not yellow cabs) which are intended to operate in the outer boroughs and north of midtown only. https://ny.curbed.com/2017/1/17/14296892/yellow-taxi-nyc-uber-lyft-via-numbers MTA subway ridership numbers have not increased at all in the past three years, after rising nearly every year prior to that. People are taking individual rides instead of getting on the bus or going down into the subways. Traffic was bad enough before rideshare car services proliferated. Now it is worse. Edit: Uber works great in the suburbs and in cities that could use more capacity. It works well in NYC, too because people get to where they want to go at a reasonable rate, but it does reduce the quality of life in NYC.
  6. Any chance this is the same record exchange as the one that was on Main Street in Williamsville? I used to ride my bike there with paper route $$. Bought my first vinyl there.
  7. Sort of like an Admiral Stockdale moment.
  8. That's the kind of attitude that will take you places you don't want to go.
  9. Those people are the unintended consequences of moving the platform to the edge.
  10. Democrats stick to the plan and they've driven policy to the left successfully. Republicans in power today (including Trump) would have been considered liberals about 20 years ago -- and they're doing nothing to move the center back to where it belongs, the left to the left and the right to the right. Dems don't need to outlaw them. They're making themselves obsolete. Conservatives' (formerly regular Republicans) only hope anymore is to shake loose the parts of the Federal Gov't that have traditionally been left to the States and give them back to the States, where there's some promise.
  11. I saw a lot of Yandle with the NYR. One-way, good offense. I suppose he'd be useful if he's paired with a true stay at home guy. As for Shattenkirk, I think he's more complete but I he's way too pricey. Let the Rangers waste money on him.
  12. If SF wants to call me about how it has negatively impacted NYC traffic, I will charge a nominal consultation fee just for the chance to vent.
  13. NYR should have moved their other goalie. Should have moved him instead of Talbot a few years ago. Either that, or focused on getting fresher legs on Defense... ...like Shattenkirk. And I hope the Sabres don't take Yandle.
  14. You've got to know your own dimensions.
  15. I think the poster was framed. He might have actually taken it from the frame.
  16. I wish all the Uber and Lyft drivers in NYC would go away. They gum up the roads. These are people who probably shouldn't be driving themselves around the city, let alone trolling around cluelessly looking for their fare, or where to drop them off. The roads are bad enough with regular cab drivers without adding these people to the mix. It is a very noticeable change for the worse.
  17. Should be an interesting few days in a strange off-season.
  18. I wonder whether there will be a lot of trade activity tomorrow. Expansion draft tonight, regular draft Friday/Saturday. If I had to guess, I would think that a lot of teams have had their engines idling waiting for Vegas to make their picks. Everyone knows who's been protected and unprotected. I just can't figure if the bulk of trades will be made before or after the regular draft on Friday and Saturday.
  19. Or this more optimistic version: "Remember the people you see on the way down so you can crap on them on the way back up."
  20. Just because you can doesn't mean you should.
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