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Everything posted by snafu

  1. So you're saying the Champions League is like the Tony Awards of soccer?
  2. A lot of old movies on this list. People around here like to discuss lists and rankings and movies... http://www.bbc.com/culture/story/20170821-the-100-greatest-comedies-of-all-time
  3. Carpageddon is what my bathroom looks like the morning after too many fish tacos. Other than that, my answers to the OP are "no".
  4. And a Chinese friend giving it $60billion. China+Pakistan < United States+India. https://www.economist.com/news/special-report/21725101-leg-up-all-weather-friend-china-makes-pakistan-offer-it-cannot-refuse
  5. Unless I'm wrong, I also seem to remember that they have a couple wights stored away in the ice cells at castle black. The ones that tried to kill Mormont.
  6. Jon can warg, too. Though I don't see either of them doing this. I think the Night King uses the dragon to get past the Wall and then somehow they'll find a way to re-kill it. Probably going to have to use fire to do it.
  7. Well, you might as well be loaded if you're highly volatile.
  8. Speaking of which, I like your old one better.
  9. You're right only if you[re a serial killer.
  10. That looks like it took a lot of obsessing. Or you're a millennial serial-killer and this is your manifesto. I also over-generalize generations and I'm gen-x. I read this article the other day and liked it because I'm obviously pro gen-x. It goes to show that everyone likes to paint with a wide brush. https://www.vanityfair.com/style/2017/08/why-generation-x-might-be-our-last-best-hope
  11. I actually think it starts from ownership, if the owner is active. If not then the next level down and so on. Not an easy quality to pin down or find the key driving forces.
  12. I said awhile back in this thread that it won't be the "crime" or the coverup that's the issue. It will be what the investigation brings to light.
  13. My point was about Darby, who had a good '15 and a bad '16. Seems like churning if they go get a corner with the same recent history.
  14. He had a great 2015 and struggled in 2016 huh?
  15. (a) I know I'm nitpicking and the series can't go on forever, but in a story where characters' paths don't cross consistently because of travel constraints it is odd that everything works so well this season. (b) Didn't they bring Gendry along to be a blacksmith (presumably to make dragonglass weapons)? Maybe the guy in charge should have pointed him in the direction of the forge. That fire sword is cool looking, and that's a good group of guys that I didn't see them putting together.
  16. Why is it that I can suspend my disbelief about dragons and undead things, but it bothers me that a ship can get from dragonstone to eastwatch so fast? And what kind of plan is it that seven men think they can go out and fight an army of undead thinking they're going to survive?
  17. Winner. I'll get the t-shirts printed up and scout out billboard sites.
  18. Prepare for more flooding. It is the will of Landrieu.
  19. Build like the Cleveland Browns build? Tank like the New York Jets tank? Sorry -- can't agree with you.
  20. It is a half-assed tank so far. Full tank will be to gut the team further. Downgraded at WR (not one returning WR of note from last year is on the roster). Downgraded at CB (nobody in the defensive secondary from last year). The "upside" is getting unproven draft picks for next year -- probably to package and draft a "franchise" QB in 2018. They probably think they can stop here and get their QB and fool people into thinking that they're trying to win games.
  21. I think China is salivating to move south in the most peaceful way possible. None of those countries would give them that wink, and the only country who will inadvertently give them an opening is the US. Someone is going to use a Trump comment as the impetus for China to move south. They and NKorea have strange ways of describing what's an "attack" on their sovereignty.
  22. The countries in the Paris Accord are supposed to accurately report their air quality every two years, and accurate reporting is a major issue. As the article concludes, this issue renders the agreement nearly useless. http://www.bbc.com/news/science-environment-40669449
  23. Thanks, but I prefer to stay ignorant of the sausage-making process. I hear Charlton Heston shouting: "Ray's sausages are PEOPLE!!!!!"
  24. One of my favorites from the books, yes. In the show he's my least favorite by far, from an acting standpoint.
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