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Everything posted by snafu

  1. TIL that Heinz ketchup doesn't have 57 varieties. It was a marketing gimmick by the founder. His favorite # was 5 and his wife's favorite # was 7.
  2. If they put him away, dudes are gonna be into him.
  3. Imagine how long it would take if you were French.
  4. Yesterday I learned that "pop goes the weasel" probably means to pawn your coat. http://www.neatorama.com/2015/08/27/Pop-Goes-the-Weasel-What-Does-It-Really-Mean/
  5. I had myself convinced that it was all Bylsma's fault. Larsson looked like he was injured, or sick, or just didn't care.
  6. So he's a self-hating misogynist/predator?
  7. I vote nay because I think the law of unintended consequences will eventually kick in and the board works fine now. If it turns out to be messy, unruly, and tough to moderate, then it will be difficult to go back to something that already works.
  8. Even when he's in position to make a save, he really fights the puck. Looks like a bear trying to grab a fish.
  9. A shout out for Anacone's. That was a good bar.
  10. Would've liked to get the second point, but it wasn't to be (two bad mistakes) I think they played pretty well for the most part. I liked the way Scandella and Nolan played.
  11. That's exactly what I thought. Except, should be black socks. And I like Reinhart at Center, but I'm hoping he's not wasted on that third line.
  12. 9/11 happened 16 years ago. Why would you want him to think it happened a second time? That's just mean.
  13. Charlie's other menu items look so tasty, but I doubt I will ever eat them. Can't deviate from the beef on weck.
  14. So you're saying that if we just get Percy Harvin we will be all set?
  15. Seems like this gas station attendant doesn't know what you've learned... Idiot at gas station won't put out cigarette, so attendant uses fire extinguisher - Boing Boing https://apple.news/AW_hZzYzFPW2td4BEnPkIfQ
  16. Any Bills road win in the lat decade or more is impressive. Back-to-back road wins would be really incredible to me. Win. Get to the bye and lick the wounds and come back out with two tough but winnable home games. Starts with Cinci and I'm looking forward to it, though I'm taking nothing for granted and I hope our team doesn't either.
  17. Come on EJ. 2 minutes left.
  18. Wow, You're about a minute ahead of the radio call.
  19. Scientists should spend their time devising a way to direct all the ash north to Canada. They're used to long winters. Everybody wins!
  20. He's got mommy issues.
  21. Doorbells? What ever happened to banging on the door with the side of your fist? Works every time.
  22. You're probably going to have to wait 7-10 years, or else set up a remote site for him to broadcast from.
  23. Maybe he never ran for president because he had too many skeletons in his closet.
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