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Everything posted by snafu

  1. He could have included it in his report to Congress and Congress could have impeached him and the Senate have convicted him.
  2. You should call Mueller. Maybe he can reopen the investigation! Or call Pelosi and maybe this time she could impeach him right proper, and get a conviction, too. Otherwise, stop. Please find me where I said it is my opinion that Biden cheated.
  3. So what you're saying is this has been done before. I'm not saying that two wrongs make things right but holy hell, this post of yours can easily apply to 2016.
  4. ! Official sources called this election already (or not). All debunked, nutbar. Nothing to see here. Don’t even question it. It harms our democracy to do so. Stop harming.
  5. If you're talking about me, I never said election fraud. Human error is the way it has been described. I've accepted that. And your posts usually aren't responsive, so there's not any need to respond.
  6. Yeah, apparently I'm in a one-man echo chamber.
  7. So you've got no answers to my questions. Thanks. Read my earlier posts. I'm not a conspiracy guy. I'm asking questions for different reasons. Forget replying. I'm not looking for your validation.
  8. When do simple errors rise to the level of legitimate complaint? What's the cutoff? All I've heard for two weeks is "no fraud". I tend to agree with that. Upon closer examination, it appears that consistently one-sided "human error" does certainly exist in more than one jurisdiction. Either way (purposefully or by error), the results could have been tainted. Should nobody inquire about this?
  9. I want the vote count to be accurate and certified. You are getting "audited" results mixed up from results. Auditing the results takes a lot of time and effort. I'm not asking for audited results in 50 states, or any state -- as long as there's no obvious error. But, you see, there ARE errors, and these errors wouldn't have been known if nobody questioned. If the mop up of the results is happening, then bravo. If the results are finalized and Biden wins, then that's great. If there are infirmities then I want those sussed out without people complaining that this is a waste of time. Because getting it right, to me, is not a waste of time.
  10. They weren't uncovered until after people complained. You're ignoring my point. I'm tired of repeating myself to you and you keep going back to the same unresponsive retort.
  11. See your bolded parts...the errors in Georgia wouldn't have been uncovered if people just took the results at face value. It is an issue. Wayne County may actually have a problem if their voter rolls don't square with the number of votes cast. That wouldn't have been uncovered if people just took the results at face value. It is an issue. But, again, the greater issue is whether it is okay to shout down people who want to examine the results rather than take them at face value. The "law" that Congress passes every election year is that Election Day occur on the first Tuesday in November. This year the "law" says November 3rd. The "law" you're perhaps talking about may (or may not -- we shall see) is an attempt by the Pennsylvania Secretary of State and the PA Supreme Court to extend the deadline for voting and counting votes received after the date actually set by "law" via Congress. On top of that, the PA regulations may or may not have been amended AFTER early voting had commenced. All this is different, of course, from our prior exchange regarding "human error".
  12. Ask Shoshin, I was responding to alleged errors he brought up in Wayne County, MI. I can't believe I need to repeat myself again...the errors (which you initially said were nonexistent) were found. Some were found and reported in the first count. Some were found only after a recount which was ordered after pressures to do so. Again, you're not fully correct. Nobody has answered my question about why the "human errors" all go in one direction. Keep in mind that there are representatives of both parties looking for irregularities in the same locations. Why is it that no D observer found and Trump-favored "human error"? I'm pretty sure they were looking at the progress of the vote. Some states were and remain very close. If D poll watchers weren't looking then that's not Trump's problem. I realize you said that nobody is looking for Trump-favored errors (I think that's erroneous, see above). It is my opinion that nobody is looking for them at this point in time because if they are found, then that throws the election process and results MORE in doubt. You can't have NYT headlines blaring that NO fraud was found if there was Trump-favored fraud. They didn't say anything about "human error" that affected thousands of votes in a couple key counties. It is my assertion that not WANTING to seek the infirmities and steaming ahead is actually a threat to democracy. Or, there are only one-sided infirmities, which is also a threat to democracy. People who wring their hands over Trump's actions being a threat to democracy may not be looking at things from both directions. I'm just asking a simple question. If the results of an inquiry show that Biden won in spite of "human error" which solely ran in his favor, I'm for that result. But count votes that are supposed to be counted and no more (that doesn't even address late-received ballots in PA). I don't care how long it takes. Why does anyone care how long it takes? Here's an attempt at an analogy: People complain that there wasn't enough early Covid-19 testing in the U.S., but representatives from the U.S. weren't permitted into China to get samples in order to make the tests. We had to wait until enough infected people were able to provide samples. It is similar to election results. There's no evidence until election night, and you've got self-serving election officials saying that they did everything right. What election official is going to say that his or her employees are cheaters?
  13. If Trump is looking for errors that would throw out the results, wouldn't he want to find ALL errors to nullify the results? Errors are errors if the end result is to conclude that the results aren't trustworthy. If you're arguing that there were errors in both Trump's favor and Biden's favor, aren't you saying that the results are faulty? Can you say that since the errors may cancel each other out, then the election results are all good, no harm no foul? Are you saying that sine both sides may cheat, there's no point in looking? The result comes down to which candidate's operatives cheat better? Who wants elections like that?
  14. It wasn’t a contention as much as it is a question. And I don’t think the volume of mail in ballots is an issue. States had days/weeks to get their counts right. Georgia would never have counted those “misplaced” ballots if there wasn’t a recount that the R Secretary of State initially resisted. Now the difference between the two is extremely slim. I know that trump needs more than one state, but that’s not my point. Go go back to my first post this morning. I was asking the question because it seems that every time someone looks under the rocks, there seems to be some credibility for looking under the rocks. Dismissing the call to investigate out-of-hand is just as much a threat to our democracy as anything else. I’m just saying, everyone should let the facts and process play out.
  15. Bull Schittt. You don’t know me or whether I have an agenda. I already said (just this morning) that I’m not interested in who wins or loses. It will have little effect on my life for the next 4 years.
  16. My question was — why does the human error only favor Biden. It isn’t a smattering when you’re talking about tens of thousands in concentrated districts. My question wasn’t a statement about pushing Trump over the top. In fact I’ve said this in repeated posts so people don’t get my intentions wrong (this is also a response to @jrober38). And the human error in Georgia was withholding the votes that favored trump (a result which favors Biden). So my theory remains intact.
  17. You're only partially right. Michigan wasn’t computer glitches, it was human error. Garbage in, garbage out, I guess, right? Does it make anyone feel better that it was human error (purposeful or not)? I never said that the totals affect the outcome, I just mused as to why the errors all go Biden’s way. https://www.wcnc.com/article/news/verify/michigan-software-glitch-didnt-switch-votes/507-d8caddb3-71da-4125-85be-9c8c124f66b7 Here’s the news from Georgia. Looks like these things DID happen. Whaddya know, more human error in Joe’s favor. There’s more about Georgia. I only copied this one link for you. https://www.wsbtv.com/news/local/secretary-states-office-finds-another-memory-card-with-hundreds-votes/2Q4TF34UVJEEFGE4EEB3FTMFGI/ Here’s the news from Wayne County. Voter rolls vs. votes cast were “out of balance” in Wayne County. Brushed off as more human error going in one direction. Makes you wonder what’s inside the catchall phrase “human error”. https://apnews.com/article/election-2020-joe-biden-donald-trump-local-elections-michigan-64c18e12e0d409d9629871cda3c07293 So so there’s three of those things that *did* actually happen. And Alito. And I’m not bothering with Nevada. My point is made. Read the AP article above instead of cowering under your partisan blanket. There are 4 people who looked at the votes and voter rolls in Wayne County. Two of them say that the numbers are off and wouldn’t certify. Did you look at the votes? The reply was, as usual, “human error”. At this point I don’t know what to believe other than: not you. I am willing to let things play out. You’re not.
  18. Computer glitches that always go in Biden’s favor. Found batches of votes that weren’t counted in Georgia that would have favored Trump. Wayne County having more votes than voters in certain precincts. Justice Alito saying that the Secretary of State In PA can’t change the rules after voting has commenced in that state. Claims that thousands in Nevada voted in other states, as well. Lockstep reporting that there was NO fraud morphing into, there wasn’t MUCH fraud. I’m not talking about the stupid one-off stuff like dead grandmothers and husbands. These the vote totals in the many thousands that always go Biden’s way. Never Trump’s way. Find me votes examples and I will be silent on this issue. As I said, the Biden favoritism likely isn’t enough to push Trump over Biden, but the more that is actually uncovered, the more credibile are the claims. And then do you trust democracy? Wouldn’t you want problems in our voting processes ironed out? Don’t you want a result that everyone can trust? Why do you support calls to end inquiry and laugh the claims off as insignificant? If you’re truly aggrieved, you’d want a fair hearing. If you lose after a fair hearing, then you lose. You’re in favor of having everyone bury their head and say something like, “well, it’s Trump, so all good”. That’s a “you problem”. And if too many people have that same “you problem”, then who’s the REAL threat to our democracy?
  19. So attack the messenger and not the message is the reaction. Maybe there’s something to this Wayne County thing. Just sayin. If the reason for the failure to certify was BS then why not just report that?
  20. What do you mean “wow what?” It is a big deal for the validity of Michigan’s results. Certifying is usually a rubber stamp move. Two people — the people who actually look at the ballots and voting rolls — refused to certify. Have you bothered to ask why besides assuming that this is partisan BS? It may be just that, but failing to certify is a big deal and the two officials may actually have a good reason as to why. Do you assume that the liars, the stupid ones, and the pure scum are only of one political party? The threat to democracy isn’t ONLY Trump’s actions, is it ALSO the simple minded dismissal of his claims out of hand. Have you wondered why all the irregularities seem to favor Biden? Whether there’s enough to overcome the result that has been reported is doubtful. But does it not make you wonder whether there’s some credibility behind Trump’s claims? The threat to democracy is the prevention of hearing his claims, the stoppage of an investigation of the claims. I dont really care care who ultimately prevails. I’m not going to protest in the streets. I just prefer to see whether the electoral machine is actually broken and needs to be repaired. Does that make me stupid or evil? The threat to democracy is just as much people like you who throw out binary choices when you denigrate those who aren’t in lockstep with your beliefs. It is a threat when the plan is to win at all costs (and perhaps that includes cheating) just because the President has a personality disorder. Looks like you have a “you problem”.
  21. Oh I was just clearing up your lesson on how our court system works. And I agree that Trump has got an extremely uphill climb.
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