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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Hopefully a hyper extension and nothing damaged.
  2. And Buffalo....and I think it is "more than 4", so that leaves Buffalo, Edmonton and Arizona.
  3. Is that as bad as the secretary at One Bills drive who ... Oh forget it! The Browns are idiots.
  4. Sounds bad, doesn't it. But it really is a catch-all charge. https://www.law.cornell.edu/uscode/text/18/371
  5. Says here in this article that the conservatives initially retained fusion GPS but then dropped the relationship. THEN the democratic committee and Clinton campaign retained fusion GPS, which resulted in the dossier being prepared. The initial work done for conservatives wasn't connected to the dossier. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/10/27/us/politics/trump-dossier-paul-singer.html
  6. Before DiBlasio, the prior two mayors (5 total terms/20 years) had a big R next to their names. It is a steep uphill climb, but it isn't unheard of in NYC.
  7. ...or the Dems win the House or Senate in the midterms and figure out a way to impeach him if Mueller or his successor keep the investigation alive that long. Two big "ifs" but it could go that way, too. Rosenstein screwed Trump because he didn't put a senset on the investigation -- or at least require Mueller to petition for more time if he showed good cause.
  8. He only won 4 years ago because Joe Lohta has the personality of a thumbtack on a chair. In all the time he's been mayor, I've yet years anyone say anything good about him. Nothing. And yet he's going to win re-election. Ugh!
  9. It's okay. I'm sure they're all covering only foreign matters.
  10. Whoever that person is better watch himself.
  11. Drilling Ugh! That was supposed to be drilling! See, every time I type drilling it comes out as drilling. So drilling frustrating!!!!
  12. I've said it before, I don't have you on "ignore". I just read all your crap and ignore it on my own, but sometimes it's too much. Have a nice day. I'll go back to reading, but avoiding contact with you.
  13. Maybe some day Obama will apologize to Trump for a fake story started by Clinton. Then the circle will be complete.
  14. So unlike the Clinton Uranium deal, yes? I wonder what you'd be saying if Hillary had won the election and people were bringing up the Uranium deal -- "don't believe your lying eyes"?
  15. I don't believe the Canadian Navy has these scheduling issues.
  16. Eichel was not good tonight.
  17. No.
  18. If it ends on Election Day, then yes it is SOP. But this was used after the election for nearly a year to crap on Trump. And it is still going on. Makes it look like a soft coup. Funny because Trump's opponents (losers) can't accept the outcome of the election. That hurts our democracy (where did I hear that before?).
  19. I get what you're saying and I hope the Sabres buck the trend. October isn't over yet, and these are the teams 4 points or more out of a wild card as of now: Florida (4) Boston (4) Buffalo (4) Montreal (3) NYR (3) Edmonton (4) Arizona (5)
  20. I wonder what the story would be if Trump stopped tweeting and communicating for two straight weeks. Just silence.
  21. Those Bastards. I was fake newsed!?!?!?!
  22. Hahaha, Espoo.
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