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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The greatest skaters of all time.
  2. The thread title is "good", not "great".
  3. Fish & chips. Gyro with hot sauce. Beef burrito. Beer. Cigars.
  4. Are you sure it wasn't a toilet and a talking turd?
  5. I will worry when they're not "in the hunt" anymore.
  6. It is from the N. Korea nuke tests. That AND Antarctica.
  7. So the melting of the Antarctic ice cap is caused by both humans AND aliens. Can you get John Kerry to confirm this?
  8. This article could also have been put into the aliens/ocean floor thread. Two birds with one stone.
  9. Chew gum. Duh.
  10. He's my favorite poster. But I'd never vote for him.
  11. Oh yeah. It should be much colder there. 16 is ridiculously warm there.
  12. Communism didn't destroy the Nazis. Anti-Nazis destroyed the Nazis. Strange bedfellows. People who didn't buy into their B.S. and didn't want to be steamrollered by them beat them back and defeated them. What happened with the fascist Commies both before after that makes them suck pretty bad.
  13. I think the strategy of putting everything out there is her best defense. If she was exposing all this in back channels, it would be time to hide.
  14. After they're mathematically eliminated.
  15. The only arguments I've heard for a "yes" vote for the Constitutional Convention are (in no particular order -- and with no editorializing from me): (a) the current Constitution is too long and wordy and very difficult to understand (b) the NYS Court system is Byzantine and ripe for cronyism (c) more than 70% of the State is registered Democrat, and yet because of gerrymandering, the State Senate is Republican (d) the State Government controls too much power and currently there's not enough "home rule" I had to look for those reasons. There's been absolutely no vocal support for a "yes" vote. All I see downstate are signs and bumper stickers saying "vote no". Half are union-based. The other half say 'taxes are too high already'. Seems like both sides of the fence don't want to see this happen.
  16. Only if you're a duck hunter.
  17. Do you get a free bowl of soup when you buy a hat like that? Just kidding, that's a sweet lid.
  18. I'm always happy to help!
  19. With the way the O line played Thursday, the Bills have a better chance sweeping the *Pats than they do the Fish.
  20. NYC has the mayor's race. Statewide, there is a proposal to have a Constitutional Convention. The current NYS Constitution requires this referendum every 20 years. If it passes, a bunch of delegates would propose a new NYS Constitution and that would go up for a vote. I don't think the proposal will pass. Nobody trusts each other enough to even attempt such a thing.
  21. Thank goodness Hillary lost. Better yet, she took the Socialist fake Democrat sellout Sanders down as a warmup. It saves me so much consternation from demanding an investigation and praying that she gets impeached. She can just live out the rest of her life as a discredited loser now.
  22. I don't know how yet, but I strongly suspect that more individuals will pay more taxes under this plan than the other way around. I don't think the bracket and rate adjustments will, as a whole, offset the removal of deductions and credits. I think the motivation in this plan is to make money back to offset the corporate rate reductions without having to shrink the government. I think that they're trying to make everything as revenue neutral as possible, but it will fail. And people are going to be super pissed off. These are just my ignorant opinions. Maybe I'm just suffering from SOTS (screwed over taxpayer syndrome).
  23. I hate listening to Romo. And Nance is a Romo nut licker.
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