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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Scouting hookers, obviously.
  2. Yes, maybe the FBI should go get a FISA warrant against Nunes. Why don't you draft up a dossier on him and take it to the FBI. I think maybe you're both right. If I got it straight, there were failed attempts to get the warrant against Page, and then after they got it, the warrant was renewed successively. And it does look like the renewals were rubber stamped -- even though before the initial warrant had expired, the dossier was released by Buzzfeed, and pretty soon thereafter, it was publicly discredited. Don't these FISA judges read the news?
  3. Why do you assume that he'd be a good mentor to a young QB, or have any problems with that role?
  4. Here is the NY Times annotated version of the memo, for stupid people. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2018/02/02/us/politics/nunes-memo-gop-fbi-annotated.html
  5. I know that the DOJ was established by an act of Congress to be an Executive Branch agency. I don't believe that the Agency can be created by and exist solely as a creature of the Legislative Branch.
  6. You mean after the Constitution is amended to allow for that?
  7. I wonder what the ACLU is saying about all of this.
  8. I get that. It is a political play because the midterms are going to come into play soon enough. But the Congressional Intelligence Oversight Committee could easily have taken the IG report and used it in a typical, Congressional oversight way and THEN produced a full report -- let alone a 4 page memo. We're talking about style, not substance. There's bigger fish to fry today.
  9. People are going to see the abuses from the IG report. Starting there -- by waiting until that's released, and rippling out with other (not FBI-related persons involved) would have a better effect, IMO. A logical result from the order in which this is going is to start wide and then focus only on the FBI's misdeeds. I suppose you can get to the same place either way.
  10. Just my opinion, but it should have been the other way around.
  11. Nunes would have been smarter to wait until after Horowitz made his report. And he would have been even smarter still to let his Committee do its job. Nobody's got a damn ounce of patience.
  12. If #RemoveNunes trends on Twitter or Facebook, will Pelosi blame Russian bots again?
  13. Too late to bury the FBI corruption story -- and Horowitz's report will pour gas on that fire. More like "limit this to the FBI, and don't let it spread to the prior Administration's Justice Department, etc, etc."
  14. There's a lot of Congressional letterhead flying off the shelves these days.
  15. The memo, and everything surrounding it, will be turned into a morass. Like a mastodon that steps into a tar pit and sinks slowly into the Earth, only to become a fossil that people can examine some day. I tend to agree that Horowitz will have an impact on the FBI, but his influence ends there.
  16. Perhaps, but only until the memo and everything surrounding it gets twisted, shaded, boondoggled, and melted into a swirl. I think there are too many entrenched swamp residents for this memo, and what it reports, to have a major effect on the future of the general public. It will be a disappointment in the long run.
  17. Dont kid yourself. It's being used as both. There are no leaks because whomever is going to use the report is figuring out the best way to (a) secure convictions and (b) score political points and ( c) politicize it as a shield from being prosecuted.
  18. Damned if he did, damned if he didn't. Better to leave it out of a speech that tried to call for unity.
  19. I've never seen an NHL team worse than this one at clearing the puck out of its own zone. Theyre just not capable of doing it. It is really frustrating to watch.
  20. He must have found Clinton's 30,000 emails.
  21. He ran against Hillary Clinton. She's a turd that can't be polished. Not with you on this one. Maybe they might have latched onto him once he got the R nomination. I have a hard time thinking things were brewing with MI and Trump at any time before that.
  22. HaHa! Maybe the FBI can get a FISA warrant and find out for sure.
  23. So the Senate Intelligence Committee Investigation is okay then?
  24. You mean, we actually live in a cave?!
  25. But perhaps it also is about which US citizens (other then Page) they were trying to claim were foreign agents acting on behalf of a foreign government -- you know, like a puppet. I'm purely speculating.
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