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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Bob, put aside for a minute whether Trump or his people conspired with Russian agents to rig the election in his favor for a second. Does it not bother you in the least that it is likely that the FBI misled a FISA Court to get it to authorize a warrant to spy on a US citizen? It bothers the hell out of me. It should bother the hell out of everyone who cares about privacy rights. And that's before anyone gets to the "why" of the matter. That's where the story gets into despicable areas. It doesn't bother you that while you've been distracted by alleged and unproved collusion with foreign agents there's likely been an actual conspiracy among domestic agents to help swing an election? It should scare anyone who likes fair and free elections.
  2. I like the Giants at 75-1 if they stick with Eli. Not likely that they will quit on their head coach.
  3. The Budweiser/water commercial would have been funny if they showed them putting Coors Light into the cans (same thing).
  4. I thought the Jeep running over the serene waterfalls was really odd. How many people drive up waterfalls. I get it, it's a Jeep, but go around.
  5. I wish he would have caught that. Someone would have laid him out.
  6. #ThankGod The miracle Trump win was a direct result of that Witch taking victory laps all during the election.
  7. I'm making these, thanks for the idea.
  8. If if someone would install one at my kitchen sink, I'd volunteer to wash the dishes more often.
  9. I hear that Starbucks is going to start installing these in their stores. And this is going to be an option in Ford's self-driving cars.
  10. I can see Belichick leaving (win or lose tonight) and becoming a Guru-type somewhere else if he chooses.
  11. Well that proves your "Dems are bad" part, doesn't it.
  12. Holy crap, imagine if Steinbrenner were President. He's the only one who would be more blustery than Trump.
  13. Rod-ro! Not good. Pretty soon his assley is going to be Grassley's.
  14. No, NYC. Putin is moving in with the Oligarch Boys. Trump will start calling himself "The Mouth of Putin".
  15. Just wait. Hes going to fire everyone at the same time, right after he declares that the Prime Meridian and the Equator shall hereafter intersect at Trump Tower, which will be the seat of the new Empire.
  16. Yes, maybe the FBI should go get a FISA warrant against Nunes. Why don't you draft up a dossier on him and take it to the FBI. I think maybe you're both right. If I got it straight, there were failed attempts to get the warrant against Page, and then after they got it, the warrant was renewed successively. And it does look like the renewals were rubber stamped -- even though before the initial warrant had expired, the dossier was released by Buzzfeed, and pretty soon thereafter, it was publicly discredited. Don't these FISA judges read the news?
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