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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I'd rather go for whatever's behind curtain #2.
  2. HaHa -- DR is two steps ahead of you, troll. He moved on from "Ya but Clinton" to "Ya but Brennan", and now he's on to "Ya but Obama". ...and he's looking more and more correct. Time will tell, and even someone with subnormal intelligence can see it coming.
  3. https://goo.gl/images/Q4tbXX
  4. I'm not sure what you mean by "you folks". Is that us on a message board who suspect underhanded activity and only now have had our government tell us about it even though they knew for at least four years? So if "you folks" are the general populace, then we only just saw our goalie just take the hit. Problem is, we're not on the ice to retaliate. I can get my stick and go smack some Russians around, but I'm pretty sure that I won't really be smacking the right Russians. If "you folks" is our government, nobody on this board knows whether any retaliation is going on at the moment. There's been a lot of complaining that Trump is letting this happen with no thought that maybe (a) the prior administration let this happen and (b) maybe something is happening and we don't know it, and (c ) got any ideas -- other than sanctions?
  5. I don't see it that way. Honestly, if today's indictment was just to shed light on the manner in which they're proceeding, then they're doing a poor job. Anyone can run in several directions with this document. Few of those directions lead to conspiracy to commit election fraud. Instead of using a fairly useless indictment to communicate with the public, how about Mueller actually communicates with the public. No need to go through the media. Mueller, or a spokesperson, could use their own words. I've said it before that the longer this goes on and the quieter Mueller remains, the more like a partisan hack he's going to appear (and there's a chance that he could end up looking like a Trump hack). Side note: since it has come out that this Russian chaos plan was in effect since 2013(?), why wasn't anything done about it before the 2016 election? Why did it take Mueller's group to do anything about it? As for Flynn and the protective order from yesterday, that looks like exactly what it is meant to be -- an order preventing materials to be leaked to the press or to congress, or anyone outside of the Flynn matter. That order cuts both ways. Mueller's group leaks a lot more than Flynn. I don't think Flynn will suffer much from his charge when it is all said and done.
  6. The problem, then, is that these 13 individuals are presumed innocent and they will never see the inside of a US courtroom. So how would indicting people who will never be proven guilty help build a case for Trump, or anyone else's, collusion? Starting here -- with these indictments -- is a REALLY long game.
  7. Re: Clinton vs. Sanders in the primary, you mean "when it became obvious that our domestic election meddling was much better than imported election meddling". And aside from Russian meddling, Sanders rose from 3%, in part, because he campaigned on giving things away to everyone and because he was running against the worst candidate in Presidential election history.
  8. Insurmountable issues, for sure. But you could have cushioned the blow a bit.
  9. Netanyahu should get Bob Menendez' lawyers over to Jerusalem ASAP. They'll know what to do.
  10. Settee down, I liked it.
  11. Actually, Frontline (never to be confused as conservative propaganda) had a two part piece called "Putin's Revenge". It is in podcast format. That'll answer your motivation question for you -- it was mainly done as ... go listen to it.
  12. I don't know. My mind is trying to come to terms with cryptos. If I take money out of a stock and buy into crypto currency -- and I can't spent that currency -- then aren't I effectively putting my money aside, as thoug I'm saving it? Almost like a high yield CD. My question had more to do with how this particularly new investment has affected the economy as a whole (though I'm sure it didn't come across that way at all). There's so much uncertainty with the future of cryptos, in my mind. Too many sovereigns seem to be trying to limit their use.
  13. I like the way Nash's game has changed as he's gotten older. He does everything very well. He's turned into a Hossa type player. The age isn't an issue for me at this point, but I forgot that he's an UFA after this season. That's a problem. Rough news about Eichel. I hope he recovers ASAP.
  14. I don't know it the room was bad last year or this, and the only thing that would get me to move Reinhart is if he's part of a problem. He's been bounced around from line to line more than any other guy on the team this season, and he's playing fine. He's got talent and he scores from in front of the net -- and you can't say that about any other player on this team. He's not a guy to get rid of unless he's a bad locker room guy. Added: and I want Nash from the Rangers.
  15. Why bring Jane into it? ...and why would anyone loan $10,000 to Brenda?
  16. There Will be Blood Big Trouble in Little China
  17. ^^^ I listened to a lot of the Cramps. Saw them in Toronto in '85 when I was a Junior in HS. Here's one from my youth, even though it came out a little before my days in HS:
  18. If I remember right, he really focused on people who were on the fringes of society to follow him. Whether it was mental health issues, or financial difficulties, or disaffected people. I think he really played up the "us vs. them" aspect of it all. These people probably thought things were going great with Jones because they had a purpose and attention inside the cult. I suppose for some, any attention and acceptance is a good thing, no matter how weird things get, especially if society had already spat them out. Jones' followers weren't going back to a society that failed them.
  19. So at the end of the day, what are crypto assets for? Are they like savings accounts? People are taking useable money out of the marketplace and converting it into non-useable money. I get that it is akin to investing in a commodity, or gold, but it also isn't like that, because the market for the crypto asset isn't nearly as widely accepted to trade or spend.
  20. The cyclone is good but expensive. That Ferris wheel looks scary as hell. The boardwalk area is nice in the daytime. Not sure about after dark. The acquarium is right next door, but it was pretty decimated in Sandy and I'm not sure if it has been fully restored.
  21. ^^^ Even Donald Trump has the right to not be railroaded.
  22. Looks like it HAS played out. Just seems to be face-saving at this point. To do that, Mueller will come up with some more charges against people that are not related to "collusion" (which isn't even a chargeable offense). To answer your question -- which I think I did a few pages back -- yes, sure, let the farce come to a conclusion, but I think most want Mueller to see the handwriting on the wall and wrap it up. His investigation shouldn't go on into perpetuity, or conclude when it is most politically expedient. Isn't Mueller's investigation based upon an unproven theory? What "justice" is Trump obstructing if there's no election conspiracy?
  23. Funny, a Trump hater saying he wants to frame and hang someone.
  24. Sandinista = underrated triple album
  25. MAGA. There's a completed campaign pledge.
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