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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The Browns wanted him and then changed their mind. ... in favor of Tyrod.
  2. Not impressed. Who was the guy that Seattle signed when Russell Wilson beat him out in camp? McCarron is the next "that guy".
  3. I think a lot of Dems in the House are ready to pull the plug on Pelosi's leadership. She's in for a fight whether they win the House back or not in the midterms. She barely survived the 2016 results.
  4. Those would be MAGA Democrats. They're extinct. Valerie Jarrett killed them off and replaced the entire party with true believer groupthink progressives.
  5. All four or five of them? Do they want the job? Probably not. All I'm saying is that the article you cited cherry picked five statements Kudlow made. Predicting the economy isn't an exact science and I'd venture to guess that the vast majority of predictors got it just as wrong as Kudlow.
  6. By that measure, find me someone who isn't a hack.
  7. If I won a ring and then became a free agent, I'd go with the highest offer, too. I think this is going to be Brady's last season.
  8. This is ass backwards. --They just needed a nod and a wink to set up the biggest "collusion" to throw an election in history. --Then afterward, they needed to take the giant risk of communicating more, in order to cover their tracks.
  9. I'm sorry, I don't understand the context of this quote. Can you explain it to me? What does this have to do with Hillary Clinton?
  10. Yep, Hillary made a 20 point difference. Imagine how happy you'd have been for the last 18 months if someone else ran against Trump.
  11. You're right. You're right, too. Oh wait...you're right too!!! Right again.
  12. Maybe you're right, but I'm not convinced. Can you explain that? She pissed off Putin so much that he shitcanned her coronation! I'd call that an accomplishment.
  13. Reminds me me of when the Mets fired Willie Randolph in the middle of a west coast road trip. I heard that spin this morning as well. Sounds like a stupid explanation.
  14. Wow! I wonder if it was the intent all along to bring Tillerson in to cut down on the State Department bloat. Now you won't hear "our SoS it too close to Putin". You will hear "but Tillerson was one of the only adults in the room". The timing, right before NKorea meeting, is interesting.
  15. Not before it's too late. All the damage is being done. Doesn't he see this? What's taking him so long?
  16. Yep, now he's colluding with the Chinese to alter the affairs of N Korea. We can't suffer this. Who will stop him!?
  17. I honestly think 18 is the target.
  18. One shoe fits one foot. The other shoe fits the other foot.
  19. If you want zero controversy about everything and really bad interviews, then this is the place to tune in. Wingo seems like the ultimate toe the line corporate shill. The show is like plain oatmeal.
  20. Rat-'n-roll is the Tuesday lunch special at the F.B.I. commissary. Comes with a free diet Sprite.
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