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Everything posted by snafu

  1. (First Part) You posted Grassley's letter to Wray (or maybe Sessions?) in a different thread yesterday. That letter referenced the January, 2017 IG investigation and even referenced it as the email investigation if I remember right. Grassley then referred at least 32 new FISA related questions to the FBI for the IG to look into and report on (ostensibly a new investigation). If it all comes out in one report, I'd be surprised. (Second Part) I would be surprised at "unrest". Really bitter and angry people, yes.
  2. Which report is he referring to? The first email investigation report, or the second Grassley FISA report? There are two IG reports being worked on if I'm not mistaken.
  3. ...and an all powerful leader with nukes. You're on to something here.
  4. Bro, he could make YOU Secretary of State and it wouldn't matter. Putin.
  5. Trump has known about this for weeks and hasn't issued one tweet or other statement about the "red line" that Mueller crossed. I find that interesting.
  6. Hurry Mueller, Hurry!!! He's wrecking our country. It's gonna be too late once old man Mueller finally gets his hands around Trump's neck.
  7. Scrubs in. Game over! Great Bulls win! Beautiful effort all game. Now go kick Kentucky's ass.
  8. Holy smokes! Missed the layup, got his own board, dished out and banged home the three to go up 10.
  9. Yikes, I feel bad for the poor soul who had to rush into the bathroom to see if she was okay.
  10. Right. That's not a smirk. That's a Schiff-eating grin.
  11. I heard that maybe they were doing a stress test on it when it came down, but that wouldn't make sense to have done that with the road open.
  12. I don't know. All I know is that I need him to succeed because I bought a ton of EJ Manuel stock when it came out. I can't get rid of it until he takes off.
  13. Why do you obsess over our President? In what way has he had any impact on your day to day life?
  14. Are you really Canadian? You don't apologize much at all.
  15. They've got nothing on Trump re: collusion. They're trying to get Trump on past dealings, Manafort-Style. I think the Manafort charges are the template for going after Trump. Whether they turn into charges or not is another thing. Could just be leverage for making Trump give up on investigating/prosecuting the prior administration. Though the horses are out of the barn, so any deal like that would look pretty transparent. I'm just speculating of course. It just looks to me like Mueller is trying to turn this into a "no harm no foul" outcome. It would be the typical let down result.
  16. Pence looks like he's squeezing out a silent fart. Schiff looks like you're about to find the bodies he's hidden.
  17. What! That's the only allegation I was hoping was true.
  18. Maybe you do get it. Maybe you've been right all along and we haven't been listening to you. Trump is firing everyone, or making them resign, so that he can be the Strong-Man-Puppet-Governor-Of-The-Russian-Colony like Putin wants him to be? In order to do that, Trump needs only weak toadies that have ceremonial positions which lack any real power. Where's Mueller to stop this! Bob in Michigan wants Mueller to keep investigating, but it will be too late by the time Trump gets taken out in handcuffs. Pretty soon, we all better watch what we say, or they will come get us.
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