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Everything posted by snafu

  1. No, he pretty much nailed it.
  2. Yeas or no: Do you find the actual content of what was read over the air to be objectionable?
  3. The Sedins must retire together? And they must make a joint statement? Those dudes are weird.
  4. But only if youve got your head in a toilet bowl. Mine: can bend steel.
  5. Only in Tehran. mine: can communicate with insects.
  6. Thats not a superpower. Take it to the pet peeves thread. mine: the ability to travel through time.
  7. Either that or he asked the girl if she was done using them while she was still wearing them. That would have been the more bold route. Would have avoided the the whole breaking and entering trouble, too.
  8. Can any of them bake a good rhubarb pie? If so, I'll take that one. Or maybe I'll buy two for the HOV Lane when I commute.
  9. I heard radio reports out here on LI that the victim was a former intern of his.
  10. Next, can the Pope call Goodell and clarify the Catch Rule for him.
  11. This will be a stain on his reputation.
  12. Yes. It's nice to know someone is with me on this. Now all we need are charts and photos.
  13. Maybe Pegula really is a Russian Oligarch. He gets Trump's marching orders from Kraft -- who has met Putin and given him a SB ring.
  14. This is just Trump's way of clearing up several Hillary peccadillos in time for her to run against him in 2020. This is great news for her. You know, do a quick investigation and clear her once and for all. This next time Wikileaks can't foul up Trump's plans to get her into the White House.
  15. Haha, that is one old grudge you got there, buddy.
  16. Revisiting this... Boston in. Florida hanging by a nail. Everyone else out. Probably going to be one in seven this season.
  17. It was damn near full, and loud every time they played that "Goal" song (which I actually like).
  18. I always go to Sabres/Rangers if I can. Been here for 25 years and the Rags are my adopted local team. The Sabres take precidence by a mile, but it is good to take one of my kids to the Garden for a game. Always a full house. This time I took my youngest and we were in our Sabres gear. I saw way fewer Sabres fans than normal. Usually there's a good %. Not this time. We had fun yukking it up with the people sitting around us. One side was a couple (both Ranger fans) and the wife grew up in Lockport. The other side was a guy and his daughter visiting from Calgary (Bruins fans - go figure). We talked a lot of hockey with him. In front of us was half a row of guys from Norway cheering for Zuccarello. Socializing was the only way I was getting through that game.
  19. I was at the game last night. There was little to no effort. I don't know what I'm going to do the next time I see one of the Sabres defensemen flip the puck high out of their own zone. Is that really part of Housley's genius "system"?
  20. I guess I'll be the one to say it: Noooooooooooooo!!!! I am so done with this team!!!!!!!!
  21. Right again, you are. That is pretty much exactly how WaPo picks its OpEd contributors.
  22. Too long; didn't read. I wish that when I did something wrong I'd have the forum of the Washington Post OpEd page to tell my side.
  23. Biggest news of the week was a $1.3Trillion spend fest. It got wedged down our throats. 2,700 pages that must have taken a month to type up. Which makes all of the other crap a smoke and mirrors sideshow. When the deep state factions and the fake political parties want to get along and play nice, then the spending knows no limits. Yes I'm pissed and disappointed. Yes I think your link means that things are happening. I'll believe it when I see it. Until then, the entire swamp keeps skipping down the street hand in hand.
  24. Socks and shoes on a beach.
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