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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Well I'm glad that you came along to tell me what to read and trust even though you don't know what news I consume and what I do with the information once I consume it. Tell me, is reading the NYTimes going to make me become more like you ?
  2. Wrong, fool. Funny that you started a thread called "conservative propaganda" something something and you spout off about how the liberal bastion of all newsprint is what everyone should read. And leave my family out of this stupidity -- especially my mother.
  3. Is LA Grant your comfort animal?
  4. NYTimes. Uh huh. I'll look into that. NYTimes of yesterday: Admits to burying stories on the holocaust. https://www.nytimes.com/2001/11/14/news/150th-anniversary-1851-2001-turning-away-from-the-holocaust.html NYTimes of today:. Admits to pandering to their liberal readership. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/17/new-york-times-editor-admits-paper-is-very-very-ve/ NYTimes mission statement of today (when it was okay to do those things): https://www.nytimes.com/2016/11/13/us/elections/to-our-readers-from-the-publisher-and-executive-editor.html I'm not cherry-picking. I just don't have the time to give you every example from every newspaper and TV broadcast. As I said in my earlier post (which you edited out), bias is pervasive in TV and it is pervasive in print and it is pervasive in electronic outlets. And your grey lady is a biased whore.
  5. I kinda like the lady whack job shooter. She only injures others and shot herself. How genteel. That should be how NPR covers this story.
  6. More like music videos and the resulting drastic reduction in attention spans and requirement of the constant "next thing" resulting in news cycles and lack of patience. I've been saying that for 30 years.
  7. No. Yep, I'm not on FB. And the "cloud" is a "fog" for people who can manipulate it to snooker other people who don't. That's a twist in the plot. I wonder if Teresa May discussed any of this with Trump when she was the first Leaser to come over to meet Trump after he was inaugurated.
  8. They won't break the illusion for those who believe that Trump is an Authoritarian. It is the unintended consequence of the "resist" narrative that Trump can't fire anyone or reform anything without validating his label.
  9. That's not the issue. More recent and relevant is the treatment of Facebook. Pariah in the media today / media darling only a few months ago. Also looks at coverage of Comey: hated scumbag when he hurt Clinton vs. bastion of society after Trump fired him. The mainstream media networks (including the NYTimes) have resorted to cherry-picking issues and flipping their coverage every time the narrative fails to suit their agenda. It is left and right. It is everyone -- print and broadcast and electronic.
  10. I offer Staten Island as an alternative. It would be more crowded, but nobody would miss that part of the state for a second.
  11. I hear George Costanza's voice: Was that wrong? Should I not have done that? I tell you, I gotta plead ignorance on this thing, because if anyone had said anything to me at all when I first started here that that sort of thing is frowned upon... you know, cause I've worked in a lot of offices, and I tell you, people do that all the time.
  12. But only in a musical stage production of MacGyver. Mine: Heat vision.
  13. If she wasn't such a hardcore Vegan, I would think she was about to eat that rabbit raw. HOT | | YOUTUBENUTLADY | | CRAZY ------------------------------------------------------ | | | |
  14. So classy, I almost feel as though I should thank you for the compliment.
  15. "You're an idiot" is more of a cudgel. Not much style to it.
  16. Trump went to CNN for better coverage; was denied. Kushner and Sinclair make an agreement; both sides say totally normal, nothing different from any other network incentivizing a candidate for interviews. Then Trump ramps up his CNN fake news schtick around the time he strikes this "extended deal" with Sinclair, who were already known to be conservative-leaning and doing "must run" stories. So the message of Sinclair Local News affiliates doing the must run on "don't believe a lot of what you hear out there, but you can trust us, the reliable Local News" -- that sucks. We should expect better from presidents & journalists than gaslighting the public, this lame attempt at "don't believe anything you hear unless you hear it from me." It's ridiculous. The major obstacle to solving such a problem is the intense partisanship, as evidenced by most of the replies in this thread. In my opinion, none of this is new. I'd have to be convinced that this hasn't been going on for years with newspapers and network broadcasts. News Broadcasters have been replaced in large part by News Commentators at the main networks. What Sinclair had their affiliates read and how it was presented doesn't strike me as horrible. If there was proof that Sinclair manipulated stories and forced their outlets to broadcast them (the opposite of the statement) then I'd be pissed. I'm not saying that this isn't going on, but I highly suspect that Sinclair would not be alone. Also consider why this is happening now. After Trump was elected, the outcry and backlash in the network media was completely transparent. You could say that the unanimity in the network media was never seen before. Immediately, there was a "resist", and a "not my President" message from just about everywhere. Most, if not all, of Trump's cabinet choices were unfavorably received -- or thought of as the adults in the room. So, going forward, IF Sinclair has its local outfits back up the statement with fair reporting (which remains to be seen) then how or why would this be a problem?
  17. I was public school all the way trough post-grad. I went to Church with my family just about every week, and went to faith formation in order to make the sacraments. I stopped going to Church for awhile until my kids were old enough to walk. Then my wife and I started in on our local parish. Each of my 4 kids will have had Catholic School education through High School -- even though our local school district is just fine. My Parish is full of absolutely fantastic people who would drop what they're doing to help someone (but especially a fellow parishioner) in need. I've come to never underestimate the good that this collection of people do. That's the example my kids (and I) have taken from our time in and around our Church. I've seen it and lived it and that's what makes my experience special. I'm sure this isn't limited to Catholicism -- just like I'm sure that there are more aloof Parishes, too. I got lucky and I think that whatever religion, faith or group someone finds, the spirit of community is just as -- if not more -- important than the scripture (or other message). It is the "practice", not just the "preach". I don't know if that's old school or new school.
  18. That, and lying to a politicized institution that spouts own lies carries a lot more irony in sentencing.
  19. I think that's the exact language Netanyahu used when he was on Levin's show a couple weeks ago. Maybe both were reading from the same Sinclair Media Empire script? Or, they see things the same way and enemies make strange bedfellows.
  20. Yep. Once the Russians stepped into the vacuum and helped Assad win, I'm sure the U.S. is persona non grata. Don't have much of a choice in getting out.
  21. Right on both counts. The Clintons first had to make sure that Trump was in Putin's pocket by selling Putin Uranium. So plain to see.
  22. You're right about "mega conglomerate" I suppose, but they're pretty frikkin big. To me, overreaction to a mission statement is stupid. I wonder what the reaction would have been if ABC or CBS or NBC or PBS had it's on-air personalities read this very same statement. Or if the NY Times or the Washington Post had published this statement. Maybe someone who's objecting to it should compare the Sinclair handling of news stories vs. any other news narrative they want to use as a "standard". And, yes, I see the hypocrisy of naming a "standard" by which someone should measure Sinclair's affiliates.
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