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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Clinton was just Putin in old-school KGB disguise. That would answer so many open questions and be amazing. Thanks for clearing that up for me. You're the best!
  2. So based on your posting history, Clinton is a Putin puppet, and Trump is a Clinton puppet? Or is Putin a Clinton puppet and Trump is a Putin puppet? Clear this up for me.
  3. Wait -- I don't remember anyone mentioning that part of her "What Happened" book. Did she tell you this at an anger management meeting in Chappequa?
  4. That photo should replace "shiv the mofo".
  5. Artificial Intelligence drinking game. Duh!
  6. Matthew McConaughey run over by a Lincoln Navigator driven by the Kars for Kids singers. After striking him and dragging his body for awhile, the car then leaps off the road into a deep, rocky ravine -- crashing in a large fireball. Derek Jeter having an anaphylactic reaction to his cologne. Breaks out into hives before he stops breathing. Needs a closed casket.
  7. That doesn't quite work in this case - when each side has been heavily investigated for 18 months or more. I'd presume that each side would know pretty much what the other one has to lose.
  8. But charts show that Trump was a Hillary plant and Wikileaks ruined the plan.
  9. Not that I think any of it is a good idea, but to further your point, there would have to be a better choice, and I like Rudy to a certain extent. If they were to go with a former Fed Prosecutor/Ardent Trump supporter, they'd be better off with Chris Christie. Detractors would have a tougher time slamming that decision.
  10. Understood, but it would carry much more weight if it didn't appear as if Team President had any influence in that aspect of the process.
  11. If what you've been speculating is true then there's less need to negotiate anything.
  12. Whether Trump is the target or not, whether he's done something wrong or is innocent as a newborn child, I think it is bad optics to "negotiate an end" to the Mueller probe. Makes it look like you've got something to give up in exchange for making Mueller go away. 1000% bad optics. And Rudy is a glory hound.
  13. "Complete denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula." I'm very curious to see what the Peninsula will look like in 1 year, 5 years, 10 years. ...and the East China Sea for that matter. This could turn into an ugly transition period.
  14. A lot of good ones mentioned here. I thought of almost the entire cast of WKRP. I'll mention, though, Ted Baxter from the Mary Tyler Moore Show. Also, Edith Bunker.
  15. One can worry about the (*^*&%^$^#in office AND obsess about the open wound that is the kid glove treatment of Hillary Clinton. These things are not mutually exclusive.
  16. My belief: humans are generally kind and caring souls. Devil's advocate: nancy pelosi.
  17. I like my dates packaged together. But I'm more of a fig person anyhow.
  18. Moron, people eat the livestock after they're done !@#$ing it.
  19. Yeah...thanks for providing another example, angry dude.
  20. This is a perfect example of the embarrassing, ongoing GreatNationalTemperTantrum. I presume Thehardtruth is a Bills fan. I can't imagine how he could be a Bills fan and such a blatantly sore loser.
  21. snafu


    Only if someone is in the same room as your alleged thumbs. Otherwise, you can't.
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