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Everything posted by snafu

  1. You should see what I'm wearing under this!
  2. Those are guys, right? The one looks like "Chief" from One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest.
  3. Gordon Chang is the bomb. Especially when he's on John Batchelors radio show.
  4. That chart has no context. And you don't provide (I'll play along for this question) how many executive branch lawsuits/convictions/jail time for the current administration. Also, If someone like McCabe gets jail time for effing around with investigating Trump, will that count toward Trump adminstration's totals? If Manafort gets jail time (not part of Trumps admin., will you count him?
  5. Hurry Mueller, HURRY!!!! In light of May the 4th, he should have said:
  6. Like Marlin Brando at the end of Godfather.
  7. Thats the line Congressional Republicans are going to use on him after they lose control in the midterms. Followed by: "you can make it end if you go away now".
  8. I bet if you ask Bill you'd get a different answer.
  9. Keep your head down and wait till it blows over. Maybe go out and visit some clients so you're not in the office. Pay for the principle in headaches -- not $$ (but keep the headaches to a minimum). If you don't have any type of non-compete agreement, then spend your time looking for ways out in case it doesn't blow over.
  10. It is way more than avoiding controversial statements about middle-America. It is about taking an actual message to them. Middle-America heard for a long time that manufacturing jobs would never come back. They heard for years that their "culture" is arcane and outmoded. Clinton called them deplorable, didn't go to Wisconsin, and told coal country to figure out something else to do. The left, starting in 2008, made a concerted effort to move the pole defining where the "left" stood. Further left and left and left in the name of progressivism. Then they tried to normalize that shift. Part of the normalization process was to cast anyone who was "left" as a "centrist", and anyone who was a "centrist" as someone who was the new "conservative". Regular "conservatives" were moved to the fringe and marginalized, labeled racist, nativist, intolerant, and left behind. Both middle-America and regular conservatives still hear all these things from the left, because the left blames them for taking the crown off their candidate's head, and continues to throw a temper tantrum over it. Voters sensed the 2008-2016 shift and most likely didn't want at least 4 more years of being told that you're abnormal if you didn't shift the way Washington wanted you to shift. I don't think this is a new phenomenon. Voters will revert back to the other side if they think that things are going too far one way or the other. They obviously didn't want Clinton to cement the shift -- and I think that shift would have been etched in stone by now if she won. I call it the "miracle of Trump" because to me, no party representing it's constituents should move too far past one pole or the other. The country is too diverse for that. I think (obviously this is all my dopey opinion) that there's going to be a noticeable rift in the Democratic party in the lead-up to the 2020 election and who the nominees will be and how they club each other over the head in the primaries. I think that a lot of voters will "hold their nose" and vote for Trump if a truly "full-of-koolaid progressive" tries to trot out that message again. I don't know anything about Delaney, but NONE of the other candidates you name will make it to the White House if they rehash the Obama/Clinton drumbeat left, left, left -- and if you're not with me, then you're the spawn of Hell.
  11. Or her other favorite: "I made a mistake, I apologized for it".
  12. Every answer should be either "yes, but" or "so what". Watch heads explode!
  13. That would be perfect if you just swap in Chief Wahoo riding the buffalo. Cleveland isn't using him anymore. I don't think the league will permit putting horns on the helmets with their move toward player safety, but it would be really cool!
  14. Good thread, good discussion. While I think that the three assertions from your original post have some very small merit as factors in why some people voted for Trump, I don't think the issue is truly ripe. These two particular candidates and this particular election was far from ordinary. As you can see from a lot of responses in this thread, there were many more compelling reasons why Clinton lost to Turnip. If the Democrats continue to practice identity campaigning and aren't at the same time running against someone who can be pegged as a "nativist" and a "xenophobe" and "racist" (rightly or wrongly -- I'm not getting into that), then maybe the question: "are white guys feeling marginalized" will be a valid inquiry. I think your state senator, and your book author are thinking too deep into tertiary levels of analysis. I can tell you that as a white guy, this subject never overtly comes up in conversation.
  15. I want that pallet of cash back. And when does Obama go on his speaking tour?
  16. You're cherry picking only one of Hillary Clinton's angry loser-theories to justify your point. What about the white housewives? What about the DNC? What about the Russians? What about the Electoral College? She's not a credible source to accurately lay the blame. HRC lost because HRC was the candidate.
  17. On what planet should there be high gratitude? Comey is for Comey. He withheld it until he was sure, in his own mind, that the polls had her winning as a lock. He admitted so. If he was up and up, he would have opened the can of worms a month earlier
  18. Shocked and happy! Go get the d-man.
  19. I don't, but I also don't want to see Allen start until late in the season.
  20. Guy's name is Jihad Ward? Was he born in Guantanamo?
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