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Everything posted by snafu

  1. You're saying that transgender isn't protected? I beg to differ, and that just as much about a person's self image as what she's doing.
  2. If she was convinced, in her mind, that she was a man she'd be left alone -- even protected. Why is it different that she's convinced, in her mind, that she's a black woman?
  3. I get that, but my point is that you had options to negotiate with other buyers. In this case w/Kim, who's the alternative? The Netherlands?
  4. I'm holding out for the stand-alone Jabba the Hut movie. The touching scene when he goes home, alone again, and checks the contents of his refrigerator to find it only contains bottled water. The ultimate admission that his menacing anger is the result of loneliness. Accepting the fact that he's a fat slug who can't find love.
  5. Yes, however in this case there's only one buyer and he may take his envelope and not come back.
  6. I don't know if confusing and disorienting the somewhat unhinged "dear leader III" a few weeks before the summit is the way I'd go, unless I knew that someone could readily and quickly set things straight.
  7. If it were any other President, I would see Trump's letter as a move to get Moon to either have direct talks with the N. It has to do with the long term view of taking another step on the road to unification of the peninsula -- and do it in a way that saves face for China. If the US appears to have less involvement, then unification can look more organic. But it is Trump and I doubt he'd put his ego aside for something like that.
  8. Why do you save being nice for that guy? Your priorities are screwed up.
  9. This man is contemptible. When Hillary Clinton doesn't want you around her campaign, and Andrew Cuomo wants you dead, you should own that as a badge of honor. But with him, even those two see DiBlasio for what he is: a grade A dooshy doosh commie . Honestly, in over 4 years of his tenure, I have never heard anyone in this City say anything good about the man -- and I deal with a wide variety of people on a daily basis. He has truly earned the dishonor of being universally loathed. I listen to him on his weekly "ask the Mayor" segment on NPR. I listened to his debates last year when he ran for re-election. None of the City's problems are ever his fault. He takes no blame for anything -- ever. He's pompous to the extreme. He's also deluded himself into thinking that his **** doesn't stink, and that he's indispensable to society at large. He is a true believer in his philosophy that "fair" means "take something from someone" (And every fifth word out of his mouth is "fair". 3-year-olds use that word less than he does.). /rant.
  10. I'm guessing that since it was passed without anyone knowing what was in it, the law satisfies the second test and will not be struck down.
  11. Elaine Benes Or they recycled that bad Ronaldo head
  12. What is taking him so long!? Hurry the eff up Mueller, our country is going into the ditch. If it is so obvious to you, why isn't it so obvious to Mueller?
  13. What I was trying to get at is that they'll trot out a relatively plausible (flimsy) excuse knowing that half the country will buy it. I agree that they bungled the "investigation" and they doubled up in trying to hide it, and tripled up in trying to explain it. As was explained to me awhile ago by someone on this board, they never thought Clinton would lose. They were arrogant, sloppy and smug. The fun part is watching them try to put out all these fires and making the conflagration grow. Soon they'll be pushing each other into the flames.
  14. Yeah, and at the end of that miserable day, you're still in N.Korea.
  15. I'm sure that the explanation for opening the investigation earlier than what everyone thought is found in the Attkisson timeline... https://sharylattkisson.com/2018/05/20/collusion-against-trump-timeline/ 2013 - Carter Page interviewed by FBI regarding Russian contacts 2014 - Manafort first wiretap because of Russia related work 2015 - DNC computers allegedly hacked for the first time 2016 - Podesta gets hacked, Carter Page interviewed by FBI again, Manafort hired by Trump campaign (probably still being wiretapped), DNC allegedly computers hacked a second time Based on that, the FBI can make a colorable argument that something smelled funny. At least that's what I think their explanation will be. It doesn't have to be true or accurate. Just enough for people to not scratch the surface too much.
  16. Isn't this where someone comes in and asks if you've got a photo of her holding a fish? ?
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