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Everything posted by snafu

  1. That ingredient had better be prominently listed on the bottle. As always, I want to know exactly when I have the opportunity to consume vag yeast. Up until now there's been no trouble telling. I mean, normally it's right in my face.
  2. (A) you've got to earn that, or else (B) I get to choose who gives it to you
  3. Father's Day is fast approaching. This and a jet pack would be two great gifts.
  4. Noted, but my foreign relations committee deliberated and I decided to go in the direction of ridicule in this particular instance. I should have fired off a tweet. I take these matters on a case-by-case basis .
  5. It might be morally correct, but it goes against human nature. Where and when in history would one find a society of individual sovereigns? All throughout the world at every period in time people have organized themselves into groups, tribes, villages, nations, etc. If I don't like the particular government structure that I was born into, then (when I'm able to do so) I can move to another, more suitable, "jurisdiction". When freedom of movement is prohibited the morality of individual sovereignty is overridden. Individual sovereignty is a horribly inefficient way for more than a handful of people to live among each other. It would require each individual to take every other individual's personal choices and desires into account when interacting. Like making mini-contracts with everyone you meet for every aspect of life. Otherwise, I, as my own nation-state, can move into your abode and eat your food at any time (how far do our "borders" extend?). Efficiency sometimes rightly beats morality.
  6. This never was an issue until January, 2017?
  7. Each of those "Sovereignties" has some pretty weak border defenses. Once they were arrested, did they claim refugee status? If two sovereign citizens agree to meet for lunch, is that a pact, an accord, or a treaty? HA! Did he have a homemade courtroom in his garage? Actually, the "bench" could have been his toilet if he wanted. He could have just written and signed his own judgment and asserted full faith and credit.
  8. Location location location?
  9. Think Canada is a US holding, but we licensed it back to the UK, no?
  10. The only reason I care about Mars is the hope that some day they space truck half of the Earths population over there.
  11. They're replacing the swimsuit competition with a lingerie competition, right? RIGHT?!
  12. No to all three. It is from Liz Warren's family photo album. That's her there on the right in the yellow scarf.
  13. I saw that test. I'm afraid to take it. People might show up at my house for testing.
  14. Wow, I don't get it. These people walk around in a fog of their own self-importance and normal people are supposed to feel empathy?
  15. C'mon Mueller, move your bloomin' arse!
  16. Yeah, sure, looking at it from your perspective.
  17. Nobody should ever count on Congress to get things right. They're cutting deals and softening the edges of the story in order to save the machine. Sure, there will be new regulations and laws that will get passed. These will be patches for what they'll term "troublesome holes in the system" that their investigations have uncovered. They'll ignore the fact that they wouldn't have uncovered the holes if nobody exploited them. Thinking people will look at them funny, but Congress won't care because they're not really representatives of their constituents. And ultimately they'll never go after any of the big fish for what happened in 2016/17. Trump's DOJ won't do it either, because that will appear to be political retribution. Whatever investigations and grand juries are going on now are only going to result in lower-level players being thrown into the fire. All of the leaders, department heads, etc. will skate.
  18. Free speech is free speech, even after sponsors pull their advertising and (a la Kaepernick and Barr and Griffin) someone's industry refuses to employ them. Usually the marketplace sorts out those who exercise their right to speech to their own detriment. Say what you want, but you might suffer the consequences. Nobody should stifle anyone's right to shoot themself in the foot.
  19. This thread has 1924 replies in it. The Beer thread has 434 replies (in case you were wondering).
  20. Why do democrats and progressives feel the need to brand themselves as a "movement"? How about governing without radically changing things? I want my representatives to carry my banner, not the other way around. People aren't really looking for movements. Sounds too overthrowy and it will only get the left so far.
  21. For no other reason, I call Clinton's loss "the miracle of Trump". If she had won, this activity would have become part and parcel of a politicized FBI and DOJ with the ultimate goal of making a one-party USA. This is the main reason why I can overlook a lot of the BS that comes along with having an a-hole in the White House.
  22. I can't wait for deB to take his act national. He's was elected twice by the voters of the City of NY who go to the polls saying "point me in the direction of the "D" line." He won't fare so well anywhere else and it will be good to see his bubble get burst in front of jeering audiences.
  23. Maybe she was getting bullied because she was dating that loser.
  24. Bathroom exclusivity is a real downer. Are you a former Starbucks manager?
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