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Everything posted by snafu

  1. That guy didn't slide down the railing. I pushed him. I'd do it again. That's MY frikkin upper deck, man!
  2. Oh. I must not have been following along - or I'm suffering from "lost time". Maybe I was abducted.
  3. WOW, I wonder if that applies to all Federal Administrative Law Judges.
  4. Outrageous Government Conduct. https://www.justice.gov/usam/criminal-resource-manual-648-entrapment-outrageous-government-conduct Even if the Gov't finds something against the individual they're investigating, if they relied on falsified interview reports to get al the way to an indictment and prosecution then the case is screwed -- as long as the Defense raises the claim of Outrageous Conduct in a timely manner. The problem becomes one of concealment. If the defense never learns of the abuse because the investigators his their malfeasance, then the opportunity to raise the objection would come and go. If they dummied up reports in Flynn's case, then perhaps his counsel can move to vacate the guilty plea and re-open the matter. Maybe that's why the delays and extensions of sentencing are going on. If they dummied up reports in the Carter Page FISA matter, then anything they find (if there's anything TO find) would be flushed down the toilet. If dummying up reports was institutionally accepted practice, then imagine the widespread implications of THAT. Imagine all of the appeals of convictions. It could go way beyond jail time.
  5. Wow, ironic humor. I didn't know you were capable of that.
  6. Oh, I see. So it is like when people bring up Hillary to point out how much worse we would be with the Commies. Thanks for clearing that up. You're a big help .
  7. Any one of my kids: "dad, can you make me a sandwich?" Me: "poof! You're a sandwich."
  8. I gotta say, Putin runs a smashing US economy, don't he?
  9. Does anyone have the "hide your kids/hide your wife" video? I remember seeing the grape stomper lady, that's a classic. I can only watch a few of these at a time. The Bill Hell Auto video literally gets me cracking up just thinking about it. I'm wondering why anyone would make that video.
  10. Oh, I understood that part completely -- but thanks for the explanation.
  11. But that was specific to YOU, right? Do they let you out for lunch?
  12. There's a venn diagram to be drawn here, I'm sure of it.
  13. It is going from A to Z because this is an odd investigation. They're investigating Trump to get to an incident, not investigating an incident and following it to a person. When does an investigation like that end? When Mueller was set off to do his thing, I hoped that Rosenstein would have put a time limit and a reporting obligation on Mueller (forcing Mueller to prove that he needs more time). The fact that Rosenstein didn't impose such a restriction is an obvious mistake.
  14. He got an erector set.
  15. I called that...(not too difficult). Comey was so sure that Clinton was going to win that he didn't see his disclosure as a threat to an inevitable outcome. I think the Democrats knew that her poll numbers were probably greatly inflated by late October but Comey didn't. That's why the backlash from the top was so vitriolic against Comey. Yes, he defied FBI policy with the timing, but he got fooled by the constant drumbeat of the Dem party and the press propping their bad, empty candidate up. I think he did the disclosure (in addition to this quote, above) because he wasn't entirely a willing player in the first decision (in July, 2016) to exonerate Clinton in the first place. The October disclosure made Comey feel better about himself -- and he thought that no harm would come of it..
  16. And fired from Mueller's team because of his bias, which isn't going to save Mueller's investigation.
  17. Doesn't matter to me. That's still funny.
  18. I can't even see straight with the tears in my eyes. After McDonald's lady, I could only make it through half of the Big Bill Hells video! That's some good entertainment right there.
  19. It is tough to find any decent candidate who isn't completely put off by the daily probe/grind that is fifteen months of presidential electioneering. What "normal" competent person wants to put up with that? The way things were going in DC since Bush beat Gore - if I had to trade one for the other I would trade upheaval and results over a politically correct career politician with results. Hopefully things normalize after Trump is done. But at least he's shown that (in his weird and off-putting way) you don't need a Prsident who isn't afraid to change the regular m.o. And it has been pointed out a lot around here that the side benefit is a return to checks and balances.
  20. Good point. Like taking favorability ratings of presidential candidates as a predictor of who might win. http://news.gallup.com/poll/189299/presidential-election-2016-key-indicators.aspx Maybe Mueller will prove to be as effective as Trump after this is all said and done.
  21. Fake eyebrows. There has to be a connection.
  22. Imagine how many pallets it would have taken if Obama paid them in Rials!!! They'd still be making flights.
  23. I'm curious: If either of the Bushes, or Clinton or Obama had held this summit in Singapore and gotten the same document signed by Kim, would you have a different reaction?
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