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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Yep. Biff: Hey, McFly! [both George and Marty turn around] What do you think your doing?Marty: [to himself] Biff.Biff: Hey, I'm talking to you McFly, you Irish bug!George: Oh, hey, Biff. Hey, guys. How are you doin'?Biff: Do you got my homework finished, McFly?George: Well, I figured since it wasn't due till Monday -Biff: Hello? Hello? Anybody home, huh, Think, McFly! Think! I gotta have time to recopy it. Do you realize what what would happen if I handed in my homework in your handwriting? I'll get kicked out of school. You wouldn't want that to happen would ya? WOULD YA?!George: Of course not, Biff. Now I wouldn't want that to happen.
  2. Wait, wut? Thats not anything like testifying under oath.
  3. Simple: Be good. But if you can't be good, don't get caught.
  4. Well, this was a great thread for almost three pages. Then, like most fast food burgers, it make a quick trip to the toilet. Around here, Shake Shack is probably most popular.
  5. It feels hotter than the face of the sun outside today. I just spent a couple hours working outside and keeping hydrated with PBR. Perfect beer for the situation. It isn't my favorite and it isn't what I would drink with dinner, but summertime is for lighter beers in my estimation.
  6. I wonder how often that happens. Is that a rare thing, a 50/50 thing, is it common? It seems like even if it were common, this particular application would warrant someone to come in from the Justice Department to explain themselves. Especially since Carter Page hasn't been charged with anything and is walking around as a free man.
  7. In her perticular case maybe she should stick to texting. I found her to be extremely annoying when she spoke. That's not a millennial thing -- that's a her thing. If she did that interview by speaking instead of texting, then guys would have voluntarily left the room without her rejecting them.
  8. I'm not too sure about that. Maybe it is just my perspective, but I thought new wave bands came in after disco died. That CBGB TH/Blondie thing pre-dates disco. But I really haven't taken the time to look it up.
  9. Or, how about making preseason more meaningful. Make each preseason game count for .5 wins or .5 losses.
  10. Is Joe Jackson New Wave? I go with Joe Jackson. What about DEVO? I could go with them, too. If Talking Heads are New Wave (which I don't think they are), then they would definitely get my vote.
  11. Well, let's start a new investigation about Trump collusion with China. I'm sure he mentioned China once or twice during the campaign. This is finally the big one! They probably went in and changed the settings to automatically "bcc" every email to themselves.
  12. As opposed to the ones who are perfectly healthy and don't seem to give a crap about their constituents?
  13. Those photos made me laugh for some reason. Almost like they told each one what the other one was charging/hour and then caught their reaction: "Wut?!"
  14. Don't forget about Romney waiting in the wings. He hates Trump, he's going to be Senator soon, he's been through the grind and he's got loads of his own money. You don't need a federal government that does what States have traditionally done. To me, that's a federal government that's too big.
  15. You know, there's a lot of space in between "conservative" and "alt-right fanatic". Don't label people you don't know.
  16. Go back and look at my old posts. Trump isn't a conservative to me. He's a Democrat who had to switch to run because Clinton had that line locked up (?). He's governed more conservatively than I thought he would, but there's still a lot of Democrat in what he's done (spending and tariffs to name two off the top of my head).
  17. Let him prove it to me in the next primary season. He sure didn't in the last one.
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