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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I don't think the delay strategy has so much to do with D's thinking that they can flip the Senate. They want their "on the fence" candidates to be free to vote with the D's after the election. Before the midterms, there are a few D Senators that need to vote to confirm Kavanaugh. He will probably wind up as a PBS talking head.
  2. Wilson looked like a useful piece last season. To bad he got injured. It will be interesting to see what happens when he gets back on the ice. All in all, this group is so much more talented than we've seen in years. Hopefully they get off to a good start and make it past that historic Halloween "deadline".
  3. Imagine Hilda's surprise when she retired and got her first SS monthly benefit check for $50,000. I hope she thanked her boss.
  4. Funny how Trump's net worth isn't worth much until it is useful for it to be worth a lot.
  5. I would have said I have to think about it, but in order to keep my kid off the open market he'd have to let me kick him in the nuts right there and then.
  6. Red Sox played the Yankees 19 times. Won 10, lost 9. Sox were 7-3 at home and 3-6 in Yankee Stadium. 5-game series are weird and makes picking a winner very dicey. I totally give the Yankees a good chance to knock off the Sox (and I am a Sox fan / Yankee hater). And the Red Sox went 3-4 against both the Indians and the Astros.
  7. I'd love to see Red Sox vs. Dodgers. Sox are NOT a shoo-in to get past the Yankees (assuming they beat the A's), let alone the Astros.
  8. And Ristolainen is just turning 24 later this month -- starting his SIXTH year.
  9. It looks like I may need to wear my tinfoil hat ALL the time. I am decidedly a low-tech guy. This cant be a good thing that goes well in the long run. https://www.technologyreview.com/s/612212/the-first-social-network-of-brains-lets-three-people-transmit-thoughts-to-each-others-heads/
  10. Iran: If their claim is true, then that's been done before by other countries (except the "no notice" part -- I think other countries usually get notice ahead of time, no?). China: I was going to post a BBC article in the South China Sea thread, but I can't resurrect it, and this is as good a thread as any. Just wanted to say "China sucks". https://www.bbc.com/news/world-asia-45718000
  11. If detente with NK results in higher beef prices then I say it's time to re think the policy.
  12. If Kavanaugh gets confirmed (big IF at this point), Trump should give him one of these. https://www.ebay.com/p/Fairly-Odd-Novelties-Beer-Soda-Guzzler-Helmet-Make-America-Great-Again-donald-TR/10017033670?iid=172843518723&chn=ps&ul_ref=https%3A%2F%2Frover.ebay.com%2Frover%2F1%2F711-117182-37290-0%2F2%3Fmpre%3Dhttps%253A%252F%252Fwww.ebay.com%252Fp%252FFairly-Odd-Novelties-Beer-Soda-Guzzler-Helmet-Make-America-Great-Again-donald-TR%252F10017033670%253Fiid%253D172843518723%2526chn%253Dps%26itemid%3D172843518723%26targetid%3D486089505058%26device%3Dt%26adtype%3Dpla%26googleloc%3D9004456%26poi%3D%26campaignid%3D1499095156%26adgroupid%3D64669591624%26rlsatarget%3Dpla-486089505058%26abcId%3D1139396%26merchantid%3D7897994%26pt%3D%26gclid%3DEAIaIQobChMI96nRjNTm3QIVCBgMCh049wLJEAQYASABEgLV5vD_BwE%26srcrot%3D711-117182-37290-0%26rvr_id%3D1688590858413%26rvr_ts%3D327fd2501660ac191b013475fffe421f
  13. I disagree. All we have is "she said, he said" and it's a matter of who do you believe? It goes towards that. Or, the way this story is morphing, Kavanaugh detractors can say: "see, he got REALLY drunk". Either way, I agree with 4mer. It is never a good idea to shame a 15 yr old for her looks. That tweet was basically a "would ya" post for a teenager. There's no supporting that.
  14. It'd be cool if, after all these years, someone finds the cure to cancer in a plant that gets discovered growing in the dmz. Then Trump could get credit for curing cancer!
  15. Agreed. Makes me wonder why Tillerson didn't make more progress. And it makes his sacking and replacement look like a good move. Edit: though Tillerson did cut a lot of fat from the DOS. Got to give him credit for that.
  16. Cuomo campaign slogan: "Governor of New York, so easy a cave man can do it."
  17. I know what Apple news is, thanks. And I have WSJ send me breaking stories -- they never sent me anything today on this story. Thinking that maybe I'm mistaken, I just went to the WSJ site. You're wrong. The only mention of the Avenatti story is this op ed piece: https://www.wsj.com/articles/has-michael-avenatti-become-an-embarrassment-to-stormy-daniels-1537993145?mod=hp_opin_pos1
  18. Funny how I noticed that Avenatti is not in my iPhone news feed. Usually, when the MSM thinks the story hurts the administration or is slanted toward Democrats a story like that is splashed everywhere. This one has crickets. The Dems have no use for Avenatti.
  19. If you can't make your food look appetizing in a TV commercial, I don't want to eat there. This place is the prime example.
  20. One of the remarkable things about our mainly two-party system is that each side thinks it wears the "white hat". It has been a saving grace as one party takes power and then cedes it to the other, but it is sadly turning into the beginning of our demise. The 2016 post-election temper tantrum has just about morphed us into a country where we don't have a peaceful transition of power. The midterms will be the next push toward the cliff edge, and 2020 will take us to the bottom if Trump wins re-election.
  21. So keep him out at all cost to normal functioning of presumption of innocence and at all cost to advice and consent, right? Where does that lead? Look where it has already gotten us already. It's a **** show. And your reason could be said about every single Justice on the Court, if you believe that special interests buy and sell Judicial power. I tend to think that special interests follow Justices, not lead them. But you can keep up the cynic routine, the board needs a foil or two.
  22. At your high level meetings? Thanks for coming down here to tell us (broke-ass, ugly wife, shiftless kid losers) how smrt you are.
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