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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Fool. You talk as if Democrat primary votes matter.
  2. They'll find jobs working somewhere Soros owns or funds -- like political rallies.
  3. Well, if I could do it (I'm way too tech-backward), I'd put one on the bald coconut and another on the redhead coconut and I'd caption it "I drink your milkshake!"
  4. She had her Howard Dean "yee haaa!" Moment, but at least he made it to the primaries before he went "poof" in a cloud of smoke. They're all going to do this, one by one.
  5. The Leafs can change their logo to help people remember.
  6. Would it be fair to say that she went off the reservation?
  7. I think with your "Blue Wave" thread, you were at stage 5. Only 2 more stages to go, and you will be grief-free! https://www.recover-from-grief.com/7-stages-of-grief.html
  8. No, she's obviously Canadien. I don't think she's trying to come off as anything else.
  9. I'd pay more attention to Ms. Tallbear's opinion if she were a native American.
  10. I wondered that, too. But if I owned it, I'd hang a curtain from it and do outdoor "movies in the park". I'd show Ghostbusters. Seems fitting.
  11. If Anderson starts because Allen is injured, and Peterman is gone, then who's the backup?
  12. Going after McCarron in the one offseason when there were a lot of QB options was a critical mistake. They needed someone who had experience playing actual NFL games. McCarron's one playoff start wasn't enough. Bridgewater, even with his knee concerns, would have been a much better choice. At this point, if they play anyone other than Allen for the rest of the season (provided he's healthy), then they will be making a second huge QB mistake. Sink or swim, let the kid grow into the job, even with a crappy line and bad receivers. By the time Allen takes his first snap next season, he will be light years ahead of where he is now.
  13. Rhetorical question of the day: If that's true then who outside the FBI knew this, and for how long, and why did anyone let this charade go on for more than one day longer than it could have?
  14. So a month or so after Turkey, Iran and Russia met in Tehran to discuss what to do in Syria (to end the mess that those three exacerbated), this episode with Erdogan is meant to make the US look bad for being cozy with SA? Who should the US be cozy with in the present situation in the Middle East, Turkey, Iran and Russia? Yes, sometimes our "friends" are friends of convenience, only.
  15. Sanders is going to have a hard time convincing me that he's an outsider. He pulled an "if you can't beat them, join them" by putting his name in for leader of the Democratic Party immediately after the 2016 election (if I remember right). If he runs as an outsider, he will be running as a phoney. At this point, he's just another Democrat who's trying to drag his party further toward socialism, because now he's doing it from the inside.
  16. You got that right. I can even see the republicans do everything right (barely) and also see the economy cycle down, setting up a 2020 battle.
  17. Overrated trash is what fills my garage and basement.
  18. I wonder if the party will retain superdelegates, and if so, how they will break. Clinton had them all in the bag in 2016, making Sanders' improbable run nearly meaningless.
  19. I'd go with the badger every time.
  20. I agree that the net result of the Kavanaugh matter has the potential of backfiring on the Democrats, but voter sentiment has a short shelf life. Those pissed of Republicans need to show up at the right place on the right day to make those numbers actually mean something. It is easy to be pissed off when you're standing in your kitchen answering poll questions.
  21. The midterms are going to guide the direction a lot. I don't see a change in the Senate, but if the house flips, then you might see a growing faction of Democrat Congressmen seeking a change in leadership. If that happens, then you might then see some lesser known name be propped up by that group.
  22. Your quote is one of the reasons why I argued against continuing with a Dem President Beyond Obama ( aside from many other reasons). There was an unhealthy (shove it down everyone's throat) march toward normalizing progressivism. I'd argue that "mob rule" then was SJW outbursts. Now, out of power, progressives need to resort to attempted mob rule -- and "old school" moderates are being shoved further to the left. The groupthink drumbeat is constantly pushed by the media to the point that youre made to feel as though you're a nut if you just want the rule of law to prevail. A sorry state of affairs.
  23. Is it too early to start a thread on the 2020 Democrat Presidential Primary? Corey Booker was in Iowa earlier this week. There are reports that Mike Bloomberg is changing his party affiliation from R to D so he can throw his hat in. Biden is probably going to announce in January. Haven't heard much from Sanders or Warren, but they will likely be in the mix. Harris is a likelihood. The Dem primaries are going to make the 2016 Republican filed look like a garden party. Pure entertainment is on the near horizon.
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