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Everything posted by snafu

  1. ^^^^ Well-explained. I would cheer for 90/10. I see why it would be (for normal political expedience and societal peace) 60/40. I can also see why (because of political backroom dealmaking) it gets to the likely and disappointing 25/75.
  2. Get there. That's the way it looks. There's always been a big element of political capital and retribution in this storyline.
  3. Rosenstein. And the President, if he wants.
  4. Should have waited until Muller's report came out IMO.
  5. I never have to wait to vote. Same school gym since 1999. I always give people working the voting booth my wife's name and ask if they want to see my photo I.D. just to make sweat appear on their brows.
  6. Four or five brilliant saves. Sabres had the ice tilted in their favor for most of the game. Their horrid power play, and Lundqvist, were the difference. Eichel was a non-factor on the power play. They've got him playing so far out of the action - way out by the boards and nowhere close to the top of the circle or anywhere near that. And I've always hated when teams use a forward on the point on the PP (Okposo and Mittlestadt). It just never seems to work. I'm so glad I got to see the kid in action. He made some good plays, and some plays that an 18 year old would make. He's pretty calm and businesslike in the defensive zone, and that is what impresses me the most about him so far.
  7. Ugh! Bith goals right in front of me. McCabe with the screen. And I'm not sure which C should have been checking Vesey. Gotta look at the replay. Both shots up high because Hutton can't cover the top corners.
  8. I hope Dahlin plays tonite. I'm outside the Garden, on my way in. I'd love to get a chance to see him in person
  9. Hotel California. Jim Kerr and Shelli Sonstein in the morning on NYC 104.3. Max Headroom.
  10. Baldwin probably tried pulling in head first while the other guy was backing in.
  11. Not ripe. No standing. Misrepresents the very law it cites. I'm surprised they filed it in D.C. and not some 9th Circuit District Court.
  12. I have no idea how typical this is, but i was talking with someone on the phone today who lives in S. Korea -- up near the border. She says that the S. Korean economy is in the shitt er. She says that people are hoarding cash and that the relatively new $50 note is basically out of circulation. People who have $$ are trying their hardest to leave the country. She hates the idea of unification because it will ruin the economy that's fragile at the moment. She doesn't trust any N. Korean at all. She expects that Kim would probably expect to reign over a unified Korea. She's got a low opinion of the S. Korean President. I found the conversation enlightening.
  13. Lindsey Graham's been accused as a lefty before. Now I know what they were talking about.
  14. I always thought Romney was animatronic. I expected a spring to pop out of his neck and smoke to seep out of his ears during his debates with Obama. Is this really surprising in any way?
  15. So nobody wants to listen to your bull ***** at the Halloween party, so you decide to post it here?
  16. Nutty or not, was Obama saying that the Central American caravan is a Republican ruse to justify their fear mongering campaign tactics? Thats a *****-up message.
  17. If these two were truly separated at birth, it would prove that nurture is more important than nature.
  18. She choked him but didn't kill him. I think the hot outweighs the crazy. I'm willing to take my chances.
  19. I have a saying: "Make me emperor, and all those who remain will love me."
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