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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Ha ha. Jet fans always are surprised when their team gets beat by the Bills. Your team sucks. It isn't just your crappy coach.
  2. Before today, we didn't know what number he was gonna wear.
  3. Looks like West Virginia gambled and lost on their early nonconf. schedule. I wonder what will happen to their #13 rank. If they don't drop much, it's telling on how UB is viewed -- aside from their #1 mid-major status.
  4. With just a waive of my finger I can make ballots appear and disappear.
  5. It does? After 2 years of this ***** immature #resist temper tantrum? They defend him because they believe, and Acosta believes (and I'm sure he's been told by his friends and supporters) that he's the tip of the #resist spear. He's the bravest of the brave. He's a ***** hero. On a regular basis he positions himself only feet from Trump and makes Trump show the world how much of a Nazi Dictator he is. He is the equivalent of Tank Man in Tianmen Square. His treatment is further evidence of the steady trampling of the first amendment. Wake me up when he arrives at the gulag to have his organs harvested.
  6. When her preferred form of government kicks in, nobody will have to pay rent.
  7. This article...wow. https://www.thecut.com/2018/11/how-donald-trump-weaponizes-women-press-jim-acosta.html "When Acosta disobeyed, the White House brought out the big guns: a young, female intern in a pretty shift dress, decorative necklace, and shoulder-length blowout, who bore more than a passing resemblance to Hope Hicks. It fell to this hapless intern to serve as the “muscle,” to physically wrest the mic away from the reporter. Acosta put the intern off gently with a “Pardon me, ma’am” (the incongruous use of ‘ma’am’ to address a twenty-something only underscored Acosta’s respectful politeness). Briefly deterred, but clearly feeling duty-bound to hover, the intern then resorted to the ignominious posture of squatting down between Acosta and the presidential podium, waiting to spring again. From the floor, she looked up nervously at Trump a few times, at a loss for how to handle this task that had likely not been in her job description"
  8. Florida is showing the Russians how to hack an election.
  9. It's a great example of the little-used phrase "subtraction by addition".
  10. Someone should suggest that she lean to the right a bit to make herself feel a little less miserable.
  11. ^^^^ Wouldnt a photo of a press jerk include Jim Acosta?
  12. I was driving in Portugal this summer. Instead of cameras that "deter" speeding (money-making device), their cameras activate a traffic light ahead that turns red. Brilliant.
  13. I miss the shoutbox at the top of the page. The one thing I don't like about the redesign. That and the posts aren't numbered anymore. Two things.
  14. Probably. It will be interesting to see how Moon reacts. He seems to be the real estate broker in this deal.
  15. I have to question your fiance's ability to choose and retain her friends.
  16. At a minimum, this is how you get "Not Pelosi and the current leadership". But I don't believe the D party has the cooler heads to do that.
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