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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Bloomberg will give it a go -- and he's not "toxic masculine". But he is a rich white guy who likes to throw money around. That kind of cuts against the Democratic mantra. He will be rejected by the Democrats after they wring him out for more $$ whatever way they can. https://www.nytimes.com/2018/06/20/us/politics/mike-bloomberg-democrats-election.html https://www.nytimes.com/2018/11/18/opinion/bloomberg-college-donation-financial-aid.html
  2. I'd love to get a transcript of that conversation. See if anyone used the old "smelt it/dealt it" line. Also, look for one guy accusing another of trying to cover up his ***** performance.
  3. Same here. I've felt like this for a couple weeks and they keep proving me wrong. It's why I cut back posting in this thread. I need to clear my head regarding the Sabres. After so many putrid years, I've conditioned myself to find something to complain about. With their recent stretch, I had to tell myself to just enjoy the season, whichever way it goes. This could be a playoff team at this point but the standings are so tight, any slip up could derail them.
  4. Professors Lalley, Weyl and Posner of (I Believe) the Chicago School of Economics came up with quadratic voting. For Corporate shareholder voting, shareholders could participate by buying votes which vary in value based on quantity. The formula was a calculus equation that I can't follow. The money put in was to have been distributed among the shareholders. In a public election scenarios, they modified it to give every voter 10 votes and the votes could be cast in any combination, depending on how important a particular race was to the voter. So someone could cast one vote for ten different candidates, or ten for one, or any combination they so chose. No buying or selling votes in that case. I dont know know if either of these ideas were ever tried. They obviously made the case for the results being more equitable, and preventing someone from buying an election, no matter how much they spent. I don't think the 10 votes idea is in the link, below -- it mainly deals with Corporate governance. I think Posner came up with that later. Also, if you search for "quadratic voting" you will note that there are already blockchain programs being developed to handle elections run that way. https://chicagounbound.uchicago.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=11400&context=journal_articles
  5. I think Harris stays in the race for a very long time, even though the more she opens her mouth, the more odious she shows herself to be. She won't be the last candidate standing.
  6. I wonder what a press credential looks like. Is there fine print on it, like a hockey game ticket? Does it say that it is revocable at the sole option of the White House? Is there any other paperwork or "terms of use" that the bearer must agree to abide by? Is it like a driver's license? It ought to be like any or all those things. I'd be surprised if it isn't. If there's no "fine print" or other rules attendant to it, then I don't envy the Judge. He's going to get criticized whichever way he goes.
  7. So you think. Does your wife get a say in that between her sammich-making duties?
  8. Warren's chances -- poof! Avenatti -- poof! I didn't expect to see self-destruction so soon. Who's next? Last one standing gets to run against Trump.
  9. What a total shitstain on society. When can Avenatti fade out of consciousness?
  10. Actually, I think a lot of people are of the opinion that the deal is not set in stone, and that some of the incentives can/will be rolled back. When there is this much money involved, a lot of people squawk for various selfish reasons. Also, it sounds like some are trying to make political hay out of the fact that NYC refused to let Walmart in (because they're a non-Union employer), but they open their wallet to Amazon (also non-Union).
  11. Lots of protesting in Queens today. Initial reaction is that the mayor and governor gave away too much.
  12. Of all the neighborhoods in the City, LIC is the only one that safely hasn't displaced more than a handful of residents. Most of the new buildings were constructed on old warehouse/manufacturing sites. There are at least ten new high-rise buildings of mixed-use. In fact, these went up so fast, that there's probably not currently enough small or medium commercial capacity to serve all the newer residents. Also, the City has incentivized developers to include low-income units in all new construction -- used to be a minimum of 20%, now it is more like 40% -- but it is a convoluted formula -- which makes things easier to circumvent. The basic premise is that developers get to build more regular/high-income floor area as a tradeoff. I've got my issues with how effective that is (probably deserves its own thread), but it doesn't hurt. The City's 10-year plan is here http://www.nyc.gov/html/housing/assets/downloads/pdf/housing_plan.pdf A lot of pie in the sky and mixed results so far. Overall, the City is unaffordable to most, and becoming moreso. However, the market for apartment rentals has leveled off, and even come down in parts of the city (even Manhattan). Most of the time, the market takes care of itself, but really for regular people, and not low-income, and kids just starting out. Landlords have to provide amenities for units that they used to be able to rent from a list of people.
  13. If anyone remembers what LIC was seven years ago compared to what it is now, they could tell you that LIC didn't really need Amazon to come to town. I'm not sniffing at it, mind you. It solidifies the conversion of that part of Queens from useless wasteland to prime real estate. One of my best friends is on the Board of the Queens Chamber of Commerce and I guaranty he's doing backflips today. My only gripe is that Amazon could probably have gone to Newark and done more benefit to a city that needs it more. Any/every site was going to offer tax incentives for Amazon to go there, so complaining about it really overlooks the reality of the situation. Ocasio-Cortez should know that NYC has its own income tax, and NYS has its commuter tax. She should be complaining that the money gets spent right, not saying that the community is "outraged". I'm just glad that LIC isn't in Queens Congressional District 14. She'd probably find a way to ***** it up. Now if the Mayor would just lay off...
  14. I'll take "Questions that answer themselves" for $200, Alex.
  15. Is that a Weber Grill at the bottom of the Arkansas Seal? ...Yes that's all I took from that post.
  16. I had two in my basement last year around this time. The cat cornered both of them long enough for me to come by with a length of 1x2. A quick pop in the head ended things fast. Those little guys can't take much of a knock. I didn't have any snap traps around. They work great. I won't use poison because my cat gets everywhere and the mice just die in the walls and stink for a few days.
  17. I agree with this, but too much carrot makes for a backslide on the North's determination to see things through. I think Moon (who's been known to border on appeasement) needs to hold off, be patient, and let the sanctions do the work.
  18. I think the sanctions are really a major motivating factor for NKorea to stay in the game this time around -- even with some cheating by China and Moon in the South.
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