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Everything posted by snafu

  1. ^^^^^^ But only one of them is Orange.
  2. The kid should take that sign down and replace it with "Nazis Welcome here at UMass"
  3. Well, you can cross Angelina Jolie off the list...for now. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-46699457 When asked whether she would consider getting involved in politics, she said: "If you asked me 20 years ago, I would've laughed... I always say I'll go where I'm needed, I don't know if I'm fit for politics… but then I've also joked that I don't know if I have a skeleton left in my closet". "I'm also able to work with governments and I'm also able to work with militaries, and so I sit in a very interesting place of being able to get a lot done." She added that "for now", she would stay quiet. When Webb suggested that meant she could be on the list of 30 to 40 Democrats running for the party's presidential nomination, she did not say no, replying "thank you".
  4. Enjoy your gravy!
  5. You need to spell it right. It's Spaaaaaace Fooooorrrrrrrce!!!!
  6. Go Bills! i can't watch, so I will get the news by the game discussion thread.
  7. Not sure about that, but one definitely looks like a dude.
  8. Thumbs up!! You're really getting into the spirit of this in a sublime way!!
  9. Bobby Orr is the only person who's autograph I ever asked for. I got it when I was 10 years old. Bruce Smith might be the only other one if I ever met him on person. I delivered the Buffalo News to Gil Perreault for three years. Did the weekly collection at his door. I never asked him. I could've asked Joe DiMaggio, but he was eating dinner and I didn't want to bother him. My dad was pissed off at me for that.
  10. I'm not offended. I'm disgusted by this sappiness. Eff off, DR.
  11. Randy Newman "You've Got a Friend in Me".
  12. No, next level would be for Trump to hire some guy named Vladimir to be his National Security Advisor. Every decision he makes can be followed by "Vlad told me it would be a good idea", or "Vlad and I agree..."
  13. More like the gang that controlled the Hoboken waterfront. Trump is Karl Malden: https://goo.gl/images/4eL6u7
  14. This is why all the press reports and comments on this thread are a waste of time. It is extremely difficult to ascribe motive to a Judge's line of questioning. It is extremely difficult to predict what a Judge will do. There's absolutely no one here -- or in that Courtroom yesterday --who will accurately predict the outcome. I don't think the Judge could at this point. I'm sure he's on to other things and will take it up again in his mind at some future date.
  15. Get a carton of Epsom Salts and wrap it up. That, or the biggest jar of grape jelly you can find.
  16. Buy from the cartel -- call a "truce" in the War on Drugs. Convert the DEA into the agency that imports, regulates, distributes and taxes the cocaine. So does alcohol. See below ...
  17. Not trying to make a slippery slope here, but based on this, why not legalize/regulate/tax cocaine?
  18. That's just what people tell wet brides to make them feel better, when really they want to just call her a loser.
  19. I bet if you ask her, she will say she feels like a young 642.
  20. This is most likely true, and it is a great reason for tight border security. However, the conversation was about Trump's use of illegal immigration and the impact that undocumented individuals have on our resources as THE reason for a wall. He campaigned on that premise, not human trafficking. He could, and should, make both arguments.
  21. ^^^^dissembler.
  22. Found @Tiberius Russian bot... A robot has featured on Russian TV but turns out to be a man in a suit. https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46538126
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