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Everything posted by snafu

  1. He's more of a corners mucker. I don't think hanging out in the crease has ever been his game.
  2. Reinhart is the only one who consistently sets himself up in the slot. This team needs one or two more guys who park just outside the crease and at least make it tough on a goaltender to see the play. It will help with the first bolded part (getting goals from sustained pressure, and with the second bolded part (will help guys like Rodrigues and Sheary be finishers. Reinhardt is great at this. He either sets a screen, tips a shot, or jumps on a short rebound -- and he's good enough to make passes to other teammates from there. The team doesn't even need someone as effective as him. Just someone who wants to get to that dirty area.
  3. I do that frequently in the warmer months. When you see me posting at around 9:00 or 10:00 pm in the summer, that's probably what I'm doing. McCallan 12 Yamazaki Bulleit Rye is really good Jameson Black Cask Johnnie Black, sometimes Platinum Crown Royal has a nice flavor I had a bottle of Laws whiskey one time, but I can't find it anywhere. Loved it. A friend gave me a bottle of Oban. I haven't opened it yet. Never tried it before.
  4. But as a run of the mill establishment R, he'd be running against a D and against a President who is both a former D and currently loathed by most establishment R's. In any other year, you'd be exactly correct. I'm not advocating for Romney at all, I just think this 2020 election may not be normal, and Romney is the most likely run of the mill establishment guy out there. He's a pure never-Trumper, and I don't think he'd care if he loses just to make Trump a one term President. If you see him "reach across the aisle" as a freshman Senator, and try to "craft bi-partisan bills", and if he butts heads with McConnell in a very short period of time (while bad mouthing the Administration) then that's a good sign he's thinking about it.
  5. I can tell you that there are no Nazis anywhere near my lair.
  6. What about a moat? Or better yet -- make a new Canal right along the border and get Mexico to pay half! Would that get everyone in Congress to agree?
  7. Don't forget -- he might have killed the only rainbow farting unicorn.
  8. I'm very familiar with NY14. The fact that she may repeat and repeat and repeat isn't the point I was making. Her base isn't devoted. She literally only needed 12,500 "devoted" voters to get to where she is. And I would guess that any hard working D who might want to challenge her in the next primary could give her a run, for sure.
  9. Devoted base, huh, Huffington Post? She won the primary with just over 12,000 votes against an incumbent who sent an aide to a debate in his place. Then she won the general election against an opponent who admitted that he didn't wage a campaign.
  10. I generally agree with you, but I think you're undervaluing Risto. He's a keeper, especially since he's got a better defense crew around him. Two years ago, who did he have to help him out?
  11. Sort of. It would be one state-one vote. All the reps from any particular state would need to choose one of the top three candidates. So even a D-controlled House might not get a D President. How funny would that be! Then the V.P. would be selected by the Senate. in a straight member-for-member vote (likely an R V.P -- haha). Like I said: Chaos!
  12. I think there's a very good chance Romney looks at making an independent run at the White House. He's got the money to do it. Especially with this op-ed piece. The timing is obvious, and he needs to get into the spotlight in a relatively short period of time to gauge whether he's got a shot. I also think there's a very good chance that the Democrats might see an independent split off from the pack and try a run. We might see a four candidate race in 2020. Then the Electoral College debate will flare up big time, because it would be likely that nobody gets to 270. Chaos! All because Trump beat Clinton in 2016.
  13. Have you suffered a blow to the head recently?
  14. If I were advising her, she'd be the very last one in. If California's primaries will be first, then the last day possible to get on that ballot.
  15. I get it. It is step one so that she can take campaign contributions. But just run. If you're jumping into the pool, jump in. If I was thinking about supporting her, I wouldn't give her a dime until she actually declared.
  16. The kid should take that sign down and replace it with "Nazis Welcome here at UMass"
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