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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Trump can always deliver a written address (like they used to do) and deliver a speech from the Oval Office. I'm sure it would be televised the same way the State of the Union is.
  2. I don't recall a DACA bill being debated on the floor, or voted upon -- or being very bi-partisan for that matter. The one I had in mind was the ACA repeal. That is a cluster ***** that will yield eternal stump time.
  3. ...or they could pass a crappy solution and blame each other for it and make fixing it their election issue. So, while highly unlikely, it could happen.
  4. For @Kemp : You've been trolling about "truthful" reporting, and the answers given to you have been consistently stating that what's spun in articles, and what's been omitted from articles result in a false impression being conveyed by those articles. The quoted posts, above, illustrate how you've fallen for that. It is a one-paragraph article that says Trump has stated that he should take the US out of NATO. It doesn't say what his reason is or was. It is just an inflammatory piece. Last I checked, we are still in NATO. You took that article, got inflamed, and expanded it into a post that argues a bunch of bullet points supporting the status quo regarding the US's involvement. Basically, you're posting the argument that the US should pay more than its share as a NATO member-state. The following article (so we can round out the picture) states that NATO members each pledged 2% of their respective GDP. Only five countries live up to their pledges, and the US is at 3.6%. Nobody is claiming that NATO isn't useful or necessary. SOME are saying that members should live up to their obligations. I'm sure our country could use 1.6% of its GDP on something other than NATO. https://www.forbes.com/sites/niallmccarthy/2018/07/10/defense-expenditure-of-nato-members-visualized-infographic/#15f2a4cd14cf
  5. Are you saying that there aren't a lot of Virginians staying there?
  6. I would have loved Barr to have said "what kind of stupid ***** question is this"?
  7. Exit quote from Twitchy’s take on the above (non) story: “Obama spied on and tried to jail journalists: meh. Trump says mean things on Twitter about biased American media: ‘add the US to the list!’” ? . To be fair to NBC, they were reporting on a stupid list made by "Reporters Without Borders". I wonder if there's a list of the most dangerous countries to scoop ice cream, or operate a hot dog cart, or whatever else some made up group want to make disingenuous lists about.
  8. Can you let Kemp know what those outlets are? Thanks.
  9. The last D presidential candidate attached herself to Obama's policies and explicitly pledged to continue them. She lost. That doesn't answer whether Obama was a bad Predisent, but nobody is going to try that plan again. The only other plan is for a D candidate to distance themself from Obama's policies. There will be "less" progressive candidates, but the vast majority will be "more" progressive.
  10. He's pulling your chain. I don't think Kemp gives a damn about your (or anyone else's) answers. His posts can be properly characterized as trolling.
  11. Did you write that yourself? Because if you copied it from someplace, you really should provide a link or direct people to your source.
  12. Gilibrand going to announce her exploratory committee soon. DeBlasio is making a lot of noise about playing coy, but he's inevitable
  13. I wasn't around here for the early Obama years, but there's a difference between Obama getting a Nobel Peace Prize after six or so months of his first term and the FBI opening up a B.S. treason investigation in Trump's firs five months. Both were considered "outsiders" coming into office. Out of the gate, one President got all the backing of his party and the media -- and even some of the opposition party, the other guy didn't even get his own party''s support. The way each one has been treated engenders resentment, but in different ways and at different audiences. I'm not a Trump apologist. He makes his own problems, but he's been jumped on with two feet since day one.
  14. What evidence do you have that Putin isn't Trump's puppet? Maybe Putin helped Trump because Trump ordered him to. Did you ever think of that, jackass?
  15. Bath salts aren't a drug. That's just idiots that will smoke anything because they are too cheap or lazy to get something legit. And perhaps fewer people will use heroin if alcohol, pot and coke are legal. Besides, methodone is always available through government outlets.
  16. I'll say it again. Why stop at pot? Legalize everything. Redirect all the "war in drugs" $$ to importing/distributing/taxing.
  17. Haha, they can make the primaries like Celebrity Aprentice!
  18. I have mockingly posted at Tiberius a lot of times "hurry Mueller, hurry". And recently, I've thought much like your post. If Mueller had anything on Trump, why the hell has he let Trump govern without unleashing a true and fact-based cloud on his authority to act as President. For example, Kavanaugh wasn't appointed too long ago. If Mueller had something/anything, you'd think he'd announce it so that the fight over Trump nominating a Supe would have met an actual Constitutional issue about whether Trump's authority to act was legitimate (instead of the pathetic clown show it turned into).
  19. This yellow vest thing isn't going anywhere until they expand it to weekdays. "Life goes back to normal" on weekdays is really very manageable for the Government.
  20. Yet he was still elected President. The only thing to be revealed is if Trump committed crimes while in office. Any crimes he may have committed prior to being elected need to be dealt with after he's out of office, if at all. You like to post about the fact that nobody actually knows the full story. Then you come with this post about your "side" and the other "side". That's not very honest. I can say that I strongly suspect a lot of things, but I haven't made up my mind on anything. Just because you've made up your mind, don't project that onto everyone else here.
  21. I think he's always been as complete a piece of ***** as both of them. Then (after getting hosed by the party that he insulated himself from for years by claiming to be "independent") he goes and joins the Democratic Party leadership to make sure what happened to him doesn't happen again. What he really accomplished is the Party institutionalization of his Socialist agenda. The fact that it now appears that the Democratic Party is trying again to shut him out of the 2020 race is actually very funny to me. I hope he never gets to the podium in a primary debate. ***** him.
  22. Cowboys (but Rams win the game) Eagles (but Saints win the game) Chargers over the Pats Chiefs win and barely cover
  23. Compromise idea: a giant wall made of solar panels and windmills. Use the electricity generated to (a) electrify the wall (b) allow private landowners to sell the excess electricity generated on their land to a government run utilitity and (c) permit the utilitity to sell the excess electricity to the Mexicans -- who will therefore pay for the wall.
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