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Everything posted by snafu

  1. He touched it! Totally touched it! Eff you, Edelman. Douche!
  2. How about NRC with a pick six now! That would be perfect.
  3. Talk to Bears fans about that. Worked great for the Eagles.
  4. All true -- but fake info isn't always used. I don't think fake info is the case here. If I'm Mueller and I'm finishing my work, I can see using this to get ahead of leakers. But I'd use true info to release to the leakers.
  5. I don't believe college educations are useless by any stretch of the imagination. I just believe that most 17 and 18 year olds aren't mature enough to be given the choice to decide what school they want to go to and what their major that want to pursue. I also believe that that there should be a thorough investigation of all private and public college and university trustee boards. I'm sure that theres a lot of graft and waste and price fixing which drives up the cost of an education to sickening levels.
  6. By this example, in the Buzzfeed article it would be the truth, re-worded. Your quoted language does cut out an exception for "it could be one false statement". But that appears to be the exception, not the rule.
  7. Brady seems like a jerk. But he also seems be the most competitive guy on the field every game he plays. He never shuts it down. He knows his offense inside and out. He knows when to speed up the pace of play to exploit mismatches. He gets the ball away quick, and he throws an accurate ball. Pretty impressive for a jerk.
  8. Whoever they get better have good hands because Allen throws bullets.
  9. That Chan game still pisses me off. Totally unprepared to start the season (the first two games this year made me feel the same way, I admit — though I still have hopes for McDermott).
  10. Everyone should serve in a branch of the armed forces for a minimum of two years and in peacetime, should be tasked to do public works projects. No one should be eligible for college admission without certified service.
  11. They come from miles around to visit the bridge and gawk at the troll just one time before they die? And they travel to a *****-hole country to do it? *****’n eh.
  12. And eventually you went home and didn't try to stay in the country. Why can't more people be like you?
  13. You want the Canadians to relax their border questioning? Have you ever crossed any international border that wasn't an actual port of entry?
  14. *****, I've bought into the whole McDermott/Beane "building a winning franchise process". I now feel like a sheeple!
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