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Everything posted by snafu

  1. He’s coming in to the next race with more support than any other dem., and much more support than Perot. I’m saying that he’s got a better chance at becoming President if he runs as an independent. He’s got no chance of coming out of the primary because the dems are going to bludgeon him unmercifully.
  2. Yes, because EVERYONE knows they were lying.
  3. If he were smart, and not a sellout, he’d run as an independent. It would keep him out of the ugliness that’s coming and probably give him a better chance of actually winning. He’s got the support and name recognition to do it. He’s just a coward who won’t.
  4. The President caved and anyone who thinks this was strategically smart forgets that Democrats won’t bend or twist or back down. Republicans in Congress would, but Democrats won’t. The national emergency angle is a morass waiting to happen and it will eventually make Trump look weak to anyone but his core. I personally don’t believe that a court can properly say whether their interpretation of an emergency overrules the President’s. That won’t stop an injunction.
  5. It would make my commute great, but the only place I could land it is in McCarron Park, and I doubt mayor DeBlasio would go for that. I still think a jet pack would be more practical.
  6. I’m never bringing that thing into my house. I can just see me ending up at the bottom of my stairs, headfirst, like Telly Savalas.
  7. A guy I work with just got back from Curacao. He stayed at a Marriott -- says their pool/beach area was awesome. He went to check it out at 10:30 am and didn't get back to his room until 6:00 pm. He had nothing but compliments for the place he stayed at. I think the price, this time of year (two person room) is about $350/night. He's traveled all over the place, including Caribbean.
  8. "But, again, Trump is the only one right now who can reopen government." Trump did say what he said. You're right about that. How would you like him to FULLY re-open the government (it is partially shut down now)? Should it be like the opening ceremonies of the Olympics? Should he get hold of the world's biggest megaphone and broadcast it to the sky? Hire a marching band to carry a giant banner through the streets of D.C.? If, like Trump, YOU were the only one who could re-open the government, how would you do it? How would you pay for it, since you have no power of the purse? The fact that you said "I just said above there is room to blame for both sides" completely contradicts your original point. Actually, you're right about "there is room to blame for both sides", but you chose to only focus on the President. Then what Congress should do -- if they were so outraged -- is pass a bill that is veto-proof. See, checks and balances.
  9. Gonna be interesting to see what her net worth will be after her first term.
  10. The first sentence, I can see. The second sentence, I can't. The Buzzfeed article is B.S. and is presented as coming directly from Mueller's people. Not much more to read into it than that.
  11. Mueller isn't going to pull an "Aha!" moment and perp-walk his own team. It would be really cool to see, but it isn't happening.
  12. That doesn't make much sense. If Deripaska has personal liability for the loans then the bank would have to release him from his personal liability. No place in the story you posted does it say that whatever lender is involved released him from his personal responsibility to pay. If Deripaska DIDN'T have personal liability for the loans, then he was never responsible and there's no change in his status. None of it really mentions the fact that Deripaska no longer owns a controlling stake in the companies involved -- probably a result which is worth a hell of a lot more than the loans.
  13. I think Harris should have waited and waited before declaring. I think that the more she says things, the more she's going to expose herself as a moron.
  14. Not if she's talking about the current administration.
  15. Part of Kamala Harris' statement: “When I look at this moment in time, I know that the American people need someone who is going to fight for them, ..." Question: Fight what?
  16. My mother in law had both hips done at the same time a few years back. She came out of it just fine. I hear that recovering from knee replacement is more difficult. Good luck. I think I'd do one at a time, but I would take my doctor's, and a good PT's recommendation.
  17. Everything’s rigged, not just sports leagues.
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