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Everything posted by snafu

  1. First sentence: it is about other countries living up to their pledge to contribute to the NATO budget. The NATO budget wasn’t increased by 100billion. You can mischaracterize if it makes you feel better, but I don’t remember NATO getting into a war since Clinton was President. Second sentence: it is absolutely about the US not having to spend its own money to make up for the other members’ failure to live up to their pledges. Third sentence: maybe yes, maybe no, but at least the US can redirect money that they weren’t supposed to spend on NATO to other uses that are more suited to our own interests.
  2. Granny Bloomberg likes to lecture. Notice how nobody threatens to boycott his news outlet for dumping $100 million into Congressional races? D's will take the old rich white guy's money, no problem.
  3. I doubt Schultz thinks he can win. It look more like he wants to move the Democrats away from the far left. The only way he can do that is by running in the middle and making the D candidate move toward him to take away his votes. In some ways, the people complaining about this being a billionaire vanity play are right; but the vanity might be Schultz attempting to drive policy. He’s made campaign contributions in the past, but it appears that he hasn’t gotten the policy results he wanted.
  4. Agreed, but who are we kidding. The leftists and media will lap up anything Beto does. He will really have to ***** himself in a big way for that to turn around.
  5. Hey wait, WTF. That's not the guy Putin backs!!! And for the record, does anyone see this turning out well in the short term for the people of Venezuela? Doesn't look much like Maduro is going to sail off into the sunset any time soon.
  6. Beto's lack of a record helps him now. Attaching himself to a bigger name attaches him to their line of policy, for better or worse. It also solidifies him as a Junior Varsity candidate at this point, and I really don't think he sees himself that way. Yeah, Kaine made a lot of his own problems. But my point was more about what a VP candidate thinks about the future.
  7. Do you think that's what Tim Kaine thought in 2016? You don't hear his name thrown around because he is tied to a loser. Beto is better off trying and losing on his own, and coming off as "not ready yet". I don't think Hillary is coming into this race. But she will throw her support behind someone. Heck, maybe they will agree to make her Secretary of State again. They don't want to make a lifetime achievement award this time.
  8. In this thread I proposed a solar panel, electrified wall with the excess energy being sold to Mexico. I also proposed a moat. I also proposed a new Panama-style canal that we share with Mexico (though that one would be ambitious).
  9. The congressional reps get together and choose. State by state. Pennsylvania would have a tough time I suppose. Arizona’s electoral votes wouldn’t matter, unless their congressional delegation decided to just vote with the way their EC votes went— but if every state did that, no progress would be made. https://constitutioncenter.org/interactive-constitution/amendments/amendment-xii
  10. What I meant was whether he offered to talk today, like he should offer tomorrow, and Monday. invite Pelosi over to the White House every day.
  11. Let’s see what these three weeks brings. if I were advising the President, I’d have him make an offer to negotiate with Congressional leadership, from both parties, every single day from here until the next deadline. That’s the only way I see his high ground meaning something.
  12. I’m not sure that this 2020 cycle is like any other. And I believe that any legit candidate would do better to stay out of the primaries.
  13. What’s amazing is that Warren quote. She’s going to take money from someone to pay the debts of others? That’s worse than Cortez because people will actually support it.
  14. He’s catching hell from the right and being mocked from the left.
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