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Everything posted by snafu

  1. If the Venezuelan army comes down on Maduro''s side, then this has the potential to be a lot like Syria. Dictator with "neighbor" interested party/Cuba mucking things up, like Turkey; and foreign $$ invested/Iran. Dictator then invites Putin to "help him out". The only differences at this point would be (1) the real shooting hasn't started yet, and (2) the Monroe Doctrine.
  2. I know you were being tongue-in-cheek, but If that were the case, then everyone who's contributed so far should have copied and pasted a link to express their feelings about his departure. Though on second thought, I'm sure that would have resulted in the shut down of this thread awhile ago. I, personally, have no positive or negative feelings whatsoever about 26Cornerblitz' departure -- and I won't care much one way or the other if and when he returns. He's no more special than any other poster here.
  3. Have you never seen his "It's too hot and it's only April" threads? That said, I agree with @plenzmd1 about Housley.
  4. She’d empty out your bank account and give it to coral reefs. Shes on the wrong side of the line.
  5. Nice ending to whomever wrote that. The delivery was not as good as the language.
  6. Dems couldn’t stand up for “we will never be socialists”? wtf
  7. I don't want to start a new thread for this, but file it under: "Caveman discovers fire". I wonder if Cuomo needs extra personal protection after his "tax the rich" line. The NYS Budget is proposed to be $173 Billion. It was $153 Billion in 2017. That's just the STATE. NYC's budget for 2018 is $89 Billion. https://buffalonews.com/2019/02/04/serious-as-a-heart-attack-cuomo-warns-of-falling-state-revenue/ Cuomo said the super-wealthy in New York – accounting for 1 percent of tax filers – end up paying 46 percent of the personal income taxes the state collects each year. “Tax the rich. Tax the rich. Tax the rich. We did that. God forbid the rich leave," Cuomo said of a mobile group of people who can more easily switch residences to states with lower state and local tax levels. Cuomo declined to say what spending might have to be trimmed to accommodate the lower tax revenue numbers, but he noted that education and health care are, by far, the two largest areas of the state budget.
  8. If NYC is 8th then Buffalo can't be 9th. There's no way that's possible.
  9. I couldn’t figure out why the Rams waited to get to break the huddle with 15 seconds on the clock when they did the exact opposite all year. Talk about over-thinking. Maybe Goff really depends on the helmet-microphone coaching at the line. It looked like it messed up their pre-snap rhythm. It looked like Goff wasn’t sure what to do, and didn’t have a lot of time to figure it out, and I don’t know why the Rams didn’t scrap that dumb idea mid game.
  10. If this works then it only makes Housley look dumb for not figuring it out sooner ?. If it is a disaster then Housley is a dummy for trying it ?.
  11. Did you go to Catholic school? Because that ***** gets old FAST.
  12. McCarthy is great. His article reads like he’s the outraged guy in the back of the Criminal Procedure 2 classroom.
  13. Dahlin is an 18 year old rookie who’s never lived in this country (or spoke English, I think) before he was drafted. Eichel is fine.
  14. What’s that Merv Levy quote about listening to fans? Seems apropos here.
  15. Yeah, until skynet becomes aware. Then all bets are off, I’d wager.
  16. Then the black guy in the Klan costume should be pummeled for being an idiot of immense proportions. The alternative you’re suggesting is that it would be okay somehow? I doubt this was a Northam “sensitivity” photo, decades ahead of its time.
  17. The only thing that would make the KKK guy being in the photo acceptable is if the guy in Blackface was pummeling him. Otherwise, who the heck shows up anywhere in a KKK outfit? ...and who the heck wants his photo taken next to the guy in the KKK outfit?
  18. I like a lot about the Rams, except their Tintin-looking head coach.
  19. I’m sure some of us have thought about paying for beaver. We just mostly keep it to ourselves. Good for you to be so open about it. Nice first post!
  20. ^^^^^^ I’m not too hopeful that they stay there. They are not 16th and rising. They are not holding at 16th. They’re visiting 16th on the way to 24th. Can they turn it around? Maybe. Do I think they should be active at the deadline? Yes, as long as it makes sense and has benefits beyond this season.
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