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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Im not sure — I don’t think it exists — but if a President has a broad power to pardon someone, then there should be a concomitant duty to publish who’s pardoned, and what for.
  2. There would be some serious debate in the House of Reps about whether to even bother to retaliate if Iran took out Trump. I’m not sure it would get to a vote.
  3. His second and third steps were way below average. Perhaps he had a high motor but a crappy transmission.
  4. Aside from party affiliation, seems like people sense that he’s on his way out. If he sticks around, it will get louder — it should get louder.
  5. Better and cheaper idea is to stick bananas up cows’ asses and the farting problem goes away.
  6. Nobody should attempt medicare for all until and unless the cost to actually perform health care is drastically reduced, including tort reform. People who talk about reducing the cost of healthcare too often get it mixed up with, or limit it to, health care insurance premiums.
  7. You do realize that the only reason she was making that face was because she was trying to keep her dentures from slipping out of her mouth in front of the whole country. The clapping part was mockery.
  8. He can probably get a lot of that action where he's going.
  9. Looks like Housley said the exact same B.S. that EVERY system coach says: I need the GM to get me players who can play my system. I agree with this and was going to post the same thing.
  10. The mattress is one thing. But what about your sheets? Do you have any sheet stains?
  11. Schiff is a portrait in courage. Especially since it looks like Mueller is drawing blanks. Hurry, Schiff, hurry!
  12. I never thought of Obama as far left, but maybe I should have. I always thought he wanted to take the "centrist" marker and move it left, and left, and left again. I figured he knew that it would take more than 8 years to succeed, and that's why he was so caught up in his legacy. Clinton was supposed to keep moving the marker for him -- so 12 or 16 years would have set it in stone. What I got wrong was that it is an inevitable by-product to get the far left to ascend if the "middle" was the "left". It is also easy to get the "right" to now be labeled "far right", even though nobody moved an inch. The result is a terrible polarizing legacy. Did Obama intend that? Who knows. If he did then he's despicable. If he didn't then he's negligent and short-sighted. We're going to find out who really wants to be where Obama took us (political spectrum-wise). The 2016 election was more about Clinton being unelectable. This 2020 race, to me, is more about Obama's legacy.
  13. There was that meeting between Putin and Netanyahu last year... It was before Trump met with Putin (the double secret, private meeting). https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/josh-rogin/wp/2018/07/20/inside-the-putin-netanyahu-trump-deal-on-syria/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.93a233f802af Now I've said it twice -- Putin is a Trump puppet stooge. I think we're all better off inside that particular box.
  14. If you're confident that its going to be silent, then I say you've gotta go for it.
  15. Putin is a Trump puppet stooge. I've said it before (once) and I'm sticking with it.
  16. Dude, back off. It was a glitch in his programming. The technicians are checking it out and running a few diagnostics. Nothing to see here. Move along.
  17. That O'Reily trade... not so good. I know they had to let him go, but they got a guy who isn't there any more, a fourth-liner, a shaky G starter who's being pushed by a kid with more potential, and a first rounder. The only hope is that the first round pick turns out. As of now, it looks like we'd get it this year if St. Louis stays where they are overall, and it is a deep first round, by reports.
  18. They can get that Abrams lady for the job! She's dying to be Governor of someplace. Can she move up from Georgia real quick?
  19. You mean, make the transition from cashing in on being a Native American?
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