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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I don’t care about other markets and their fans. And as I stated, the NHL has pretty much legislated the trap out of the game — and what the rules changes didn’t accomplish, offensive strategy did. As to whether the US and Canadien tv brass would choose to televise, I don’t care. Furthermore, teams with winning records can’t be ignored in the playoffs. I’m not going to guess whether offensive minded players would want to sign or go. I honestly don’t know and your guess is as good or as bad as mine. Sports IS about entertainment. And winning is entertainment if it’s my team winning. By the way, using last night’s game as an example is a poor choice, as I thought the Islanders played a much more dynamic game than the Sabres from mid-second period to the end. I sat and watched all of it. Did you? If our Buffalo Bills win a lot of games predominately with defense and a running game, wouldn’t you watch? I’m sure you did last season when Tyrod was the uninspired QB and they made it to the playoffs. So the Sabres can win with panache or they can win with a boring style, I could not care less.
  2. To me, winning IS entertainment. They could devise a system whereby the entire team crawls around the ice on hands and knees. If it turns out to be a winning system, I couldn't care less how it looks. If the team wins AND looks good in the process, that's just gravy. I bet that you and @JohnC would watch a boring-played ten game winning streak, and a boring-played deep playoff run. Like I said in my previous post: to each his own.
  3. You'd rather lose in an entertaining way? Besides, the NHL has done a pretty good job of neutralizing the Neutral Zone Trap that Lou employed in NJ. So his "style" isn't what you make it out to be these days. To each his own.
  4. I mix cinnamon life with honey nut cheerios, and I put cinnamon sugar on it and sliced bananas too. Whole milk, not that weak crap.
  5. I love Lou Lamoriello hockey. Teams win when he's around. They don't win style points, but they win a helluva lot more games than they lose.
  6. Im not going down this road with you, Daffy. You’ve never listed “known facts” though you’ve been asked to on several occasions. Yoiks and away, bro.
  7. So, your overlords had you to change “Hillary” to “Trump”, and “Democrats” to “Trumptards” before you posted that, yes? Soon enough, they will have you change it back.
  8. Make a dispensary out of it. The wall pays for itself.
  9. That helps explain my teeth comment. And I suppose she just claps like she’s swatting at midges. They should build the wall out of bricks of pot and coke.
  10. Oh, I see where this is going! My idea to get the Mexicans to pay was to put billboards on the wall.
  11. Because everyone pretty much knows who and what Trump is like, he actually has a weird huge advantage in any election. He doesn't need to waste one thought on "how will what I say be received". Every other candidate has that fear first and foremost in their mind, and every one gets tripped up.
  12. Let the tunneling begin! It will work. It just hasn't been done right.
  13. Especially since I could apparently buy @plenzmd1's dog.
  14. With a dog like that, you should purchase the Sabres and hire you a real head coach!
  15. She's the only moron in that photo without the good common sense to wear a hat in a snowstorm. I actually think she will hang on longer than a some of the others (Warren/Gillibrand). She's like the female/Dem Kasich.
  16. Can you get a photo of her holding a fish?
  17. At this point, spill the same brand of soda all over the entire mattress and claim it was made that way.
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