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Everything posted by snafu

  1. You didn’t answer my question. I didn’t ask you what a reparations program look like. A plan for reparations is a plan to pay people. Not being a dumbass, I can easily deal with a nuanced plan. The problem is that nobody will propose a nuanced plan for reparations. The problem with a presidential candidate saying that reparations might be a good idea to explore is that it is a classic case of pandering. If you got paid reparations and there were no systemic change to the conditions that held you down, would you feel satisfied? I wouldn’t. I’d feel like someone was just trying to buy off my injustice. What should happen after people get paid? Why not focus on that?
  2. We only have stainless steel pans. Non stick gives you testicular cancer, I think. With enough butter and the right pan, I can sometimes flip the egg without a spatula.
  3. No, I fart when I laugh, okay. It’s debilitating.
  4. So, pay reparations and then what? Continue on our merry way? Saying that reparations might be a good idea is as near to admitting that most every attempt to deal with systemic racism has been a failure as anything I can think of. So, again, pay and then what?
  5. I suppose it does, but I think it cooks more thoroughly, and I don't risk busting up the yolk. And yes, if you cook and don't know eggs then you don't know much. I had a bit of extra oil in a small saucepan once and tried "deep frying" an egg. Huge fail. I don't recommend it.
  6. I just put a small pot lid over the egg in the pan. Don’t need to flip it that way.
  7. Soft boiled on top of toast Fried egg, cheese, and ham on a bagel Hard boiled for a snack, or sliced with a tuna fish sandwich, or chopped up in a salad Eggs Benedict is awesome
  8. I gotta say, this made me laugh a lot. Good thing nobody was around.
  9. I was listening to Gordon Chang on the radio last night. No bigger critic of China than him. He was sounding almost dejected about the prospect of Trump (A) signing a fluffy deal with Kim, and (B) tuning around and not holding Beijing’s feet to the fire right after that. Sounded like he bought into the pre-summit hype about Trump pushing out a bad deal just to show he’s making progress with Kim. On the other hand, he was giddy about the prospect that the US would maybe be opening a liaison office with NKorea because that would completely cut China out of any future discussions and negotiations. I have no idea if he’s right about that, and I doubt that China’s Influence would just go away if there were a liaison office set up.
  10. Yep, China's got 1.4 billion people to feed, and probably about 65% of that working. I'm sure they're pretty motivated to get a deal done. Nothing like economic and social hardship for causing political upheaval.
  11. I wonder what that does to attorney-client privilege between Cohen and Trump. I’m sure the President hasn’t waived it. If privilege is in place, then much of the juicier parts of Cohen’s testimony is useless except to smear his former client.
  12. Trump to Kim at the summit: “ Hey, you took a 50 hour train ride to get here. I’ve got some planes for sale.”
  13. I’d prefer my religion stop with the Noodly Appendage touching.
  14. Right, I agree. And I was trying to say that if there's no room for the vets on TB's roster because of TB's young talent coming up, then I'd rather trade for TB's talent that's already played in the NHL. Let them hit or miss with their own kids -- especially if I'm giving up NHL talent that's already on the roster. It's just my preference. edited for clarity
  15. I'd rather have young veterans than young kids at this point for this team. Let the kids come from the draft and develop them in Rochester. I don't think the Sabres will be ready within your two year timeframe without keeping talent that they already possess. If Tampa wants to trade NHL-ready talent for anything we've got, then I'm okay with that. If the Sabres trade Risto for prospects I would consider it a mistake. Not just Buffalo. ANY team that doesn't have an ultra-talent manning each low circle on the Power Play, banging one-timers at the net (which is just about every other team not TB). And I think to be fair to Buffalo, they've only started their development scheme when Botteril came in.
  16. Hopefully this is just a limited skirmish. If it goes full-blown, I'd expect China to cause trouble for India on Pakistan's behalf.
  17. I happened to be watching NHL Network last night and they were showing a TB power play and commenting on how potent it is. They were saying it is no surprise that Point leads the league in power play goals because they've got Stamkos on one side and Kucherov on the other side, and most teams don't have that kind of firepower on BOTH sides of their PP. Defending those two completely opens up the entire slot for Point to take advantage. It's true that he's got to be good enough to finish his chances, but his life is made a lot easier with Stamkos and Kucherov on each side of him and one fewer defender.
  18. I think the municipality should be permitted to seize it, sell it, then give the guy back whatever they get in excess of the maximum fine.
  19. Are you saying that just because one (the spa) sometimes involves a vice crime as part of its "service" those establishments are more likely to get shut down and trafficking exposed? You bring up a good point about both establishments having the same problem, but I'm not sure you're right about one being ignored. These three articles are some of the results of a 10 second Google search "trafficking nail salon". There are plenty more mainstream articles to link. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/phillip-martin/nail-salons-and-human-tra_b_669076.html https://www.1010parkplace.com/your-nail-salon-may-be-trafficking-in-slave-labor/ https://www.bbc.com/news/newsbeat-42729302
  20. Yes to Brassard. No thanks to Hayes or Stall. I would think they could get two solid 2nd line forwards in Free Agency. Brassard would be a good start. I would hope they keep both. I'd prefer that they get young talent and keep bouncing both Ristolainan's and McCabe's ice time downward.
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