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Everything posted by snafu

  1. I read Crime and Punishment when I was 18 and then about 30 years later picked up the same copy and re-read it. I came away with very different impressions the second time around. Loved it both times. One of my favotites from high school was Northwest Passage by Kenneth Roberts. I have a very difficult time choosing what fiction to read, so I usually head for the classics. This thread is great for finding suggestions. I will say that I read the whole Jack Aubrey/Master and Commander series of books by Patrick O’Brian. They’re great. I may pick up a couple of those again. I finally picked up Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy by Le Carre a little while ago. It was the first time I had to go back through the first 75 pages to figure out what the hell was going on, but after that, the story cruised along. One of my kids watched The Shining for the first time about a week ago. I told her to pick up the book, it is much better than the film.
  2. I really liked the Captain Marvel character. The move felt like a Star Trek Deep Space 9 episode at times -- I don't mean that as a compliment.
  3. Just to be clear, I don’t need a trap style of play. I like it when there is a basic game whereby puck control in each end of the ice is paramount. If that’s boring-winning, then I’m all for it. That means support in the defensive zone and an aggressive forecheck in the the offensive zone. I generally like it when there is support from a second player on the puck. Pretty simple. This goes especially for less talented teams, like ours. I agree with you, and you agree with me. I’ve made the Housley can’t adapt argument several times in this thread. It will most certainly result in Botteril continuing to rework the personnel to fit Housley’s system. It is a stupid way of progressing and there will be YEARS of pain along the way unless someone with a cooler head prevails and rips the bandage off now. Right now, there not too much that needs to be done to make this team a playoff contender if they drop Housley’s style. There’s quite a bit more that needs to be upgraded if they want to contend for a title. There’s a GIANT amount of work to be done to contend for a title WITH Housley’s style of play. I don’t know why they choose the hardest road.
  4. I believe the Jets are going to go after Bell in a big way. Will be interesting to see a bidding war. I’d rather Bell stay out of the AFCE.
  5. A year away, maybe. But if they wait to make a move like this next year, there may not be the opportunity to do so. I’d rather do the deal this year than wait and potentially not have a deal to do next year. That being said, I’d offer next year’s #1, or maybe swap this year’s #1s and give them our #2 — get a 4th or 5th back. The 9th pick is really a lot to give.
  6. But the Islanders are boring! Winning is boring, when it is a tight checking style, don’tcha know. Checking is so passé.
  7. When is Horowitz supposed to make his report? Maybe it has to do with that, as well? Do you think it matters that this is a Senate transcript, and not a House transcript?
  8. Ugh. I've already given you one xample, above. Whether is it pronounced as an "x" or a "z" makes it like the letter C (care vs. certainly), which can sound like a "c" or a "k". If I'm ever named Emperor of anywhere, one of the first things I'd do is ban raisins in baked goods.
  9. Nobody needs the silent "e" in front of words that begin with "x". It serves no purpose at all.
  10. Today’s Venezuela is a highly probable end result of the good intentions of people like Bernie Sanders. Hell, go back to Chavez’ Venezuela when he first came into power. His reforms were implemented and maintained with an extremely heavy hand.
  11. Is she on the lam? Looks like they found her in a Secaucus Motel 6.
  12. Uh huh. A credible statement from a credible source. Thanks for sharing that with us. He actually wrote that Barr should do the exact opposite of what he himself did in the Clinton email matter AND in his own handling of the Trump/Russia matter (until he was hauled before Congress and wrote a book). OR, maybe Barr should just drip out the report in leaks to the NYT through some law school faculty member, yes? Worked for Comey, so far.
  13. Are you going to be upset if it turns out that the President is NOT a Russian patsy? Are you actually hoping that he IS a Russian patsy? Because that would be twisted. But I’m sure you will just Schiff the focus to obstruction of something or another — or will it be election fraud? Something, anything has to stick, right? Smoke. Fire. Something, mumble mumble. Even though nothing has stuck yet. Even though half the country has been searching, searching. I’ll bet it ends up being money laundering.
  14. Joe Torre pre NYY vs. Joe Torre as NYY manager. That’s my best guess. I’m going to look it up. Maybe Terry Francona, too. Pre Red Sox vs. post Red Sox. Edit: Torre managed 115 games in 1994 (Cardinals) 52-61 3rd place Managed 47 games in 1995 (Cards) 20-27 In 1996 he went to the Yankees and won the WS (92-70 record) Francona managed the Phillies in 2000 and went 65-97. He was out of baseball for three full seasons. In 2004 he went 98-64 and won the WS. Edit #2: Larry Robinson sucked as LA Kings head coach and went to NJD (a Lou Lamoriello production) and won a cup in his first season as head coach there (2000/01 season).
  15. It is a made up talent, but he often tries to play a not very successful party game he made up: I will smell your armpit and guess what you had for lunch.
  16. I believe none of Rochester is ready enough, but that doesn't mean they won't be someday soon. Thompson can turn into a finisher -- and if he does then we'd need one guy from FA or trade. If Ullmark is the "upgrade" then that would be great. I didn't mean to imply that the upgrade had to come from outside the organization. Sorry if I wasn't being clear.
  17. The team needs two wingers (emphasis on “able to finish”) and a goaltending upgrade and they’d be good to go. Stock up Rochester to get ready replacements for the future and they won’t have too many more Pomminstein, Okposo, Sobotka, Scandella headaches.
  18. What a leader! He also has pushed an ambitious climate agenda, with mixed results, failing to persuade lawmakers and voters to adopt pollution fees on carbon emissions, but boosting electric-car infrastructure and creating a clean-energy fund that has poured millions into green projects. Despite Inslee’s agenda, greenhouse emissions in Washington have continued to rise, missing near-term reduction goals set in state law.
  19. Link to the Open Letter. https://int.nyt.com/data/documenthelper/640-amazon-ad-nyt/23be553f1bef2065302d/optimized/full.pdf
  20. I would need to see the talent competition.
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