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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Hey Ma, why is it nobody comes around for Thanksgiving dinner anymore?
  2. This would be fantastic. And I will add that I like it when the Browns and Raiders and Bills and Jets are relevant. Can't say I know why.
  3. I suppose if gazpacho is soup, then cereal can also be considered soup.
  4. Minestrone Pasta Fagioli Caldo Verde (Portuguese) — my wife makes it best. Cream of Turkey
  5. Jets are the Bizarro World Bills. The Color Rush / Color Blind Thursday night game sealed it in my mind.
  6. Then your state has one less (major) reason to require toll roads. I edited my post. To me, it isn't a problem. To you, perhaps it is.
  7. The Electoral College works both ways, you know. There are a lot of small blue states, like there are small red states. And candidates would run extremely different campaigns if the popular vote won the race. Direct representation is for the House, and the Senate is supposed to represent the States. Giving states a more equal say, while still taking population sizes into account, is important.
  8. Do you get a lot of snow, salted roads, freeze/that where you live? I wonder whether the road maintenance budget in warm weather states is the same as in cold weather states.
  9. It is actually odd to me that on the main TSW Board someone will get pounded for misstating free agent contract terms, or which gap a DTackle plays best, but when Politics come up, the facts are loose and free. Or being a Governor. Or not. My folks and many of my friends never held these positions, but I bet they'd have made great Presidents.
  10. Maybe you (and some others in this thread) missed it in the article, but it is not a criminal inquiry. From the article: "And as if investigations launched by the House Financial Services and House Intelligence Committees wouldn't be comprehensive enough (it's also believed that the Mueller probe has investigated Trump's ties to the bank), New York State Attorney General Letitia James has launched a civil inquiry into the bank, demanding via subpoena more information about its involvement in Trump's failed bid to buy the Buffalo Bills, among other dealings with the now-first family."
  11. Just one (second term - but it’s all we got). Here are hints and clues for you. https://goo.gl/images/o2br5c https://goo.gl/images/383koe
  12. This isn’t the right board for answering your question. However, I agree with each of your other statements, and I will add that you can make those statements and ask that question about every President. Some are loud and brash, and some deliver their message in much more subtle ways.
  13. That not fraudulent. It just means the deal isn’t contingent upon securing financing. It means the buyer loses his deposit if the financing falls through. Most buyers who make offers like this are pretty sure they can get the money together. How many Presidents can you name who held the office before? I can name only one.
  14. Pretty much how I feel about Mitt Romney’s Presidential runs.
  15. I thnk that’s what’s going on with much of the audience for this movie. It was my only/main motivation. I honestly liked her character and didn’t get an overly feminist vibe at all.
  16. As an aside, WTF happened to South by Southwest, and when did it happen?
  17. See the movie and decide for yourself. I never look at a rotten tomatoes rating or review -- before or after seeing a movie. That being said, maybe they're really only referring to the pace of the story, the plot, the acting, etc.
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