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Everything posted by snafu

  1. That needs an edit, but it is so perfectly wrong.
  2. Ya know -- that's an odd thing for her to say. If that were true then why did Biden send the Secretary of State on a Central America trip for the very purpose of sorting out the "root causes" of migration? https://apnews.com/article/central-america-immigration-health-coronavirus-pandemic-business-0f3334a04e555a93bf597acf7abbaf30
  3. Hey, move to Russia where the party in power labels opposition "extremist" and bans the opposition members from holding office. How long before you start calling for this? The Russians suck, until they have good ideas, amirite? https://www.voanews.com/europe/russian-parliament-passes-bill-barring-navalny-associates-running-elections
  4. Detroit, please!
  5. First one that came to my mind was Ronnie Harmon But then I thought about the Super Bowl 25 3rd and 13 Mark Ingram play. That one still gets to me.
  6. Yes, he fixed the effort problem. Now on to the talent and grit portion.
  7. You have to use the Jets Conversion Table. 80 people showed up equates to 7 players.
  8. Agree. In my best Trump impersonation, he's a loser. Why would anyone want to associate themselves with a loser?
  9. Who knows? I've often wondered why a whole lot of people cram themselves into living in substandard conditions in NYC when there's a whole lot of better options less than 100 miles away -- or anywhere else for that matter. It ain't religion keeping them here, just like it ain't religion keeping the Palestinians in Gaza.
  10. You're right, but you're also forgetting about the eons of people staying put, too. You make it out that migration and resettling are the rule, not the exception. Also, how much of that migration is based upon people following their faith to the cradle of their religion? In any event, you asked a question and I answered it. Faith is a factor in why people have settled in Israel and the region, but it isn't the sole factor, and probably isn't the main factor.
  11. Sure, but the Jews weren't the only inhabitants. That land could be said about probably a dozen cultures and several religions. And my point is that people practice their faith in all corners of the world. Do Catholics in a Church in Seattle feel less pious than Catholics in Jerusalem, or Vatican City? Would Catholics in Portugal fight for their homes regardless of whether they practice their faith in that location? People live where they live, and most WANT to live where they live. Faith and history are two factors in dozens, those two factors are not overweighted.
  12. What's the value of anyone's homeland? People live all over the globe, not just the scenic parts or the arable parts or the moderately temperate parts. Also, people practice their respective religions all over the globe -- not just in their particular holy land. The answer to your question is: who cares, people want to live there, and when that happens, they'll fight to stay there.
  13. So 6 out of 60.
  14. The 2016 Voter Commission was dealing with old voting systems, not expanded absentee ballots, etc. I don't see what the 2016 Commission had to do with the 2020 election at all. And, again, if some investigation turns up nothing, then what's the harm? Most of those cases were dismissed on procedural grounds. Bad lawyering doesn't mean much. How many of those Courts actually allowed testimony and evidence? ...and feel free to tell "The Id of Tiberius" that I don't care if they look into all 50 states, red or blue, because I'm not a "your side" guy.
  15. I don't think that's accurate.
  16. Why not investigate? What's the harm. You could be proven right and every "Big Lie" believer would have to deal with it.
  17. He can't understand what he reads because he's completely bigoted. He's incapable of it and not worth engaging.
  18. I thought his name is Bill Stime.
  19. ^^^^^^^ignorant hateful bigot sticks his head out of his hole and shows his one-sided worldview again^^^^^^^
  20. Both my assertions were true. Difference is that I wouldn't mind an examination of how that affected the election results whereas you dismiss it out of hand with lines like "Big Lie" and "Trump Cult". Your assertions were fully investigated, and I thought investigating them was a good idea. See the difference? I'm not a "You guys". You're playing the game.
  21. So you're still making allegations from "The Big Hoax" five years later. And you don't want people on the other side to make allegations of "The Big Lie"? You're playing the game. You're wasting your time. And just for the record (1) I was happy to see the "Russia Hoax" investigated, and (2) I do not believe the election was "stolen". At the same time, why not investigate allegations of either fraud or some other process mistakes? The 2020 election was completely revamped in almost every State over a period of six months because of Covid. I think it was a s**tshow, but still the results were probably in favor of a Biden win. You think things went perfectly? You think election board employees and volunteers got it 100% right? Don't you want to make sure there were accurate results? Maybe you will find out that only Republicans cheated and it will make your day! You could start a new thread when that happens!
  22. AOC has repeatedly threatened to primary D's. Granted that she does not have a "strangle hold", but sh'es got a loud megaphone within her party. Pelosi probably has the strangle hold. I haven't seen any D House members step out of line in the past 4 years because Trump was "the" galvanizing figure to rally around. The D's formed a coalition to get the WH and eventually that coalition is going to crack and you'll see things happen the D's like what's happening with Cheny and Romney. Why do you only want to look at one party. Trump is an anomaly and his voice is actually diminishing over time. Power waxes and wanes.
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