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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The cost of healthcare should have been tackled long before health insurance was addressed. The fact that neither party has chosen to do anything about it, and pay only lip service to the issue, should say everything about how little they want to make those changes. Every private college trustee board should also be investigated as well. There's no reason why the cost of higher education has skyrocketed out of line with the basic cost of living in this country.
  2. If it was truly an honorable system, coaches would honor the paper they put their signature on. And I agree about the players being free to move without the sit-out.
  3. Then the NFL goes international without having to actually move a team. Brilliant!! I would also propose that anyone who doesn't vote for you must move to New Jersey. Edit: and then invade New Jersey and make them pay 80% of their wages to the Treasury.
  4. Whatever team does this, I think it is a smart move. Especially the three teams mentioned where each one has an established guy who isn't going anywhere this year (except maybe the Giants).
  5. I thought he just signed an extension? That does suck.
  6. Tie them into 50 pound bundles and put one bundle with each of your neighbors' trash one late night.
  7. John Batchelor -- though he's most certainly not limited to Trump/Collusion/Russia. Andrew McCarthy's articles have been spot on all the way through.
  8. No State would turn it down, but no Federal Administration should consider such cronyism unless they want every other group of "underappreciated civil servants" showing up with their demands. Yes. This is 100% true. Amazing how, so early in the process, the candidates are playing leapfrog to the left of each other. Soon there's going to be nothing left to give away to voters.
  9. Was is a gharry, a hackney, or a hansom?
  10. The Federal Government doesn't have jurisdiction over school teachers' pay.
  11. In this case, the only important color is Green. If I were him, I wouldn't ever set foot in Chicago again.
  12. The guy makes a stink about it after getting called out by a court. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-australia-47702527
  13. Yeah, fact checking in the media. That's dead. And fact checking by Schiff, Nadler & Cummings is officially a joke.
  14. I don't think anyone noticed, but during all the commotion of this past weekend, Gillibrand announced her candidacy. Nice judgment exhibited right there on her part -- especially since she already announced it on March 17th. Yesterday announcement: https://www.huffpost.com/entry/kirsten-gillibrand-presidential-announcement-democratic-primary-trump-hotel-new-york_n_5c97da3be4b0a6329e180a82 March 17 announcement: https://abcnews.go.com/Politics/im-running-president-york-sen-kirsten-gillibrand-formally/story?id=61732255 Oh WAIT!!, she also announced back in January: https://www.npr.org/2019/01/15/678292493/new-york-sen-kirsten-gillibrand-announces-2020-presidential-run Maybe she will announce her candidacy every Sunday until someone, anyone, notices.
  15. Are the fields lit up at night? Maybe arrange to get the Rec Board to use some of its new found $$ to light up the field -- increasing its availability. Maybe you can also find some electrician who wants to do the job cheap for some free advertising. Don't waste your time going to a State representative for a Town matter. There's probably not a lot of crossover between those jurisdictions.
  16. If he put it on a hot god roll, would it even be considered a sandwich? Sometimes there should be "eye-for-an-eye" justice. This is a good example.
  17. NYC Subway. Sometimes ignorance is bliss.
  18. I think there should be a primary pitting DC Tom vs. Hal2000 vs. IBM Watson vs. Braniac vs. the guy in the carnival who guesses your weight.
  19. I suppose when Warren gets elected President she can just blindly pick AG names out of a bag. It appears that the derangement syndrome is incurable.
  20. These aren’t a parody? This is the D leadership initial reaction? They should change the strategy.
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