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Everything posted by snafu

  1. ^^^^^Joe Biden with hotel shampoo bottle.
  2. Gaslighting. And i don't know if they're trying to protect as much as they're #resisting any current administration program no matter how illogical it is to take the opposite stance.
  3. Maybe they should investigate Trump for this: https://www.usatoday.com/story/life/people/2019/02/05/james-brown-murdered-bombshell-report-raises-questions/2775870002/
  4. Honestly, someone should ask Biden to sponsor their shampoo, he likes sniffing hair so much, he’s a connoisseur.
  5. Grassley abbreviates like he’s still paying for each charchter on a flip phone.
  6. Is Comey on a "this is my last chance to be outdoors for a long time" tour?
  7. I wonder what might become of the Australia Huawei ban. The impending retribution and then future recrimination will be the real legacy of this sorry matter.
  8. (1) it is lech. (2) look at the expressions on everyone not named Biden in that photo. Looks like they all want to kick his ass.
  9. I like Levin's format on this show (I hate his radio show -- way too shrill). On TV, he should at least try to get voices that disagree with him now and again, but I think he scares everyone off from his radio presentation. As it is now, he and his guests just nod at each other for an hour.
  10. Here are the fruits of progressivism: NYC 2014 Budget $70.1 Million: https://www.reuters.com/article/us-usa-nyc-budget/new-york-city-mayor-bloomberg-proposes-70-1-billion-budget-for-2014-idUSBRE90S0XP20130129 NYC 2020 Budget (proposed): $90.2 Million: https://www1.nyc.gov/site/omb/index.page NYC Real Property Tax increases: https://www.bna.com/new-york-city-n73014482342/ NYC Public Housing catastrophe: https://www.ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/politics/2019/02/01/looking-back-at-bill-de-blasio-trouble-turning-around-nycha-public-housing-nyc NYC Metal Health boondoggle run by Mrs. Mayor: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/politics/ny-pol-deblasio-stringer-thrive-20190328-sulcjjtbbzhwhkvoczwkwohn7m-story.html Mayor Tin-ear flirts with Presidential run: https://www.vanityfair.com/news/2019/02/bill-de-blasio-is-still-thinking-about-a-2020-run What's really sad is that the NYC/NYS Republican party (or I'd take ANY moderate Democrat) can't at least put up token candidate at a minimum to call out this excess on a consistent basis.
  11. To be fair, to AOC anyone who’s not a socialist is considered “far right”.
  12. Wow, that President Trump is something else, huh? Saved Seattle from near death.
  13. They do that by offering money to applicants, not by lowering the sticker price.
  14. The first quote is the politics I was thinking of. I don't expect his consituents to vote him out. Yeah. This was pretty easy to see coming. This is what the Saturday 3pm Dem conference call produced. Pretty sad that they'd just roll on as though Mueller didn't exist.
  15. Maybe so, but if Schiff thinks he's got some evidence that doesn't exonerate the President or his crew, he'd better come up with it soon or else he will undermine his own whacko narrative. The Barr letter claimed that Mueller exonerated everyone relative to collusion. Schiff just rambled on about collusion. He would have been a lot smarter if he rambled on about obstruction of the investigation. I don't think he will be found guilty of sedition or more, but his political footing is very shaky -- especially of he keep this up.
  16. Wow. You've really built a protective dome over yourself to keep the facts and reasoning out, haven't you? And then, safe and cozy under your dome, you've created an alternate reality, and decided to broadcast your reality to us.
  17. I think we agree to some extent on the effect that easy money has -- to keep the cost propped up. But I think we may disagree on which came first. In my opinion, the schools (competing with each other and marketing to kids) bounced their costs up. Lesser schools followed in behind the leaders and so on down the line. This made the cost go up across the board. Only when people started to notice the precipitous rise did the government step in to increase funding programs that already existed. Please also note that my opinion is purely anecdotal at this point.
  18. Just because colleges can jack up tuition doesn’t mean they ought to. I may be wrong (and I haven’t looked it up in a long time), but it is my impression that most private schools don’t reinvest their endowments into subsidizing tuition across the board. Schools charge tuition, kids pay for books and room and board, they hock for alumni donations. I could easily believe that the annual income far exceeds their expenses. I get it that they don’t need to do it. I get it that they are mostly for-profit institutions. However, most every school capitalizes on the general perception that every kid must have a college degree. They compete with each other to sell the social experience just as much, if not more, than the educational experience, and they market all this to 18 year old kids. Easy college loan money isn’t supply and demand relative to tuition increases, it is (a factor in) cause and effect. Supply for a college education is plentiful, at all levels of quality and experience. Someone buying a car that he can’t afford may not get the car he’s looking to buy because, oddly enough, it is more difficult to get cheap financing for a car purchase. This is why automobile prices haven’t shot up disproportunately to other goods — while the cost of a college education has.
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