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Everything posted by snafu

  1. From an article after McLelland was fired in Edmonton: https://www.mercurynews.com/2018/11/20/sharks-defend-todd-mclellan-in-wake-of-firing-by-oilers-its-not-all-his-fault/ The reaction to McLellan’s firing in Sharks dressing room sounded eerily similar to the response in the wake of his departure from San Jose, which came after the team missed the playoffs for the first time in a decade in 2014-15. “I feel for him. It’s not all his fault,” Logan Couture said. “He’s not the one who goes out and gets those roster players. He had to work with what he had and it’s disappointing to see someone like him lose his job.” Oilers captain Connor McDavid echoed Couture’s thoughts, adding that he and his Oilers teammates need to shoulder the blame for their coach’s ouster. “Todd was a guy that everyone liked, but ultimately, we’re a team that’s underachieving,” McDavid said. “We’re all to blame here. This obviously isn’t on Todd at all. It’s on us as players. That’s just how the business works sometimes.”
  2. I only watch playoff games that don’t involve my team. ☹️
  3. I have noted that trend myself. Really, they should give the prez trophy winner an exra home game or something. It really is a feat to win the season points total. This year, I think the talent level of the Bolts is way out of synch with their next closest rival. And this group has a lot of playoff experience. That said, I believe the NHL playoffs is the most open to success for lower seeds of all the majors.
  4. This year Tampa ran away early and cruised. They can easily be the exception to the rule.
  5. I can see them getting to the conference finals.
  6. Two comments: —If it lasts more than four games, consult a doctor. —After discontinuing, the geniuses should have changed the design and made it into the whammy weenie whistle. And an afterthought: too bad Tom Brady didn’t play when these were rolled out.
  7. Al Franken has got to be pissed off at this point.
  8. ^^^^I agree, and so... So many nights I'd sit by my window Waiting for someone to sing me his song So many dreams I kept deep inside me Alone in the dark but now you've come along And you light up my life You give me hope to carry on You light up my days and fill my nights with song
  9. He can do this five more times and still have a BILLION DOLLARS.
  10. I believe that Nadler is saying that he wants the un-redacted report so that HE can make the redactions. The House Democrats don't want to share the un-redacted report with the public at large. They want to shape the story before the report gets into anyone's hands. Just like the competing Nunes and Schiff memos. So it looks like their strategy might be: (a) try to get the entire report (b) beat the current Administration over the head with whatever information they can glean from the report -- including complaints that Barr's redactions are somehow nefarious. (c) after they get the whole report, they will demand Mueller's work product (d) fight for that as long as they can to keep the *****-show rolling
  11. You didn’t answer my question. That’s okay, I wasn’t really expecting an answer from you. Follow along. The part of your post that I bolded and was asking about had nothing to do with releasing the report. My question was about the House’s attempt to continue an investigation that they have no authority to act upon because, yes in this case, the House of Representatives has no business continuing an investigation into the facts of the matter. They can investigate whether Mueller acted improperly with regard to the handling of the investigation, or Barr for that matter in reporting the results. I never expressed an opinion on whether the report should be buried. I haven’t heard ONE person who has said that the report should not be released, yet you keep trying to attack anyone with that repetitive question. Stop it. It is stupid. There is a DC Circuit order upholding Mueller’s appointment as an inferior officer of an executive branch agency (the Justice Department). Congress has oversight of actions taken by Justice Department personnel. As I said above, they can refer criminal activity back to the Justice Department for further investigation and action. By issuing subpoenas that obviously attempt to extend the Mueller investigation, the House is acting inappropriately. If they persist, they will regret it because public opinion will eventually sway toward Trump’s position that this is harassment and a witch hunt.
  12. He is exactly who I picture when people talk about the swamp.
  13. More like he’s got a legal obligation to redact information. I believe he’d need to get a court order from each judge presiding over the (I assume several) grand juries that are sitting or have sat in related matters. Otherwise, releasing affected information is a felony. I’d need to look at the Special Counsel law to see if there’s some sort of other exception — but I don’t think one exists. Plus, from what I understand (and I think Barr might have mentioned in his letter) there's a long standing Justice Department policy which holds that information about someone who hasn't committed a crime be withheld so that they're not smeared. The letter says Mueller interviewed 500 witnesses. The vast majority of these people aren’t in legal jeopardy, so their names should be scrubbed. Barr cites the restrictions in his letter. The SC Statute makes the Mueller report “confidential”, and Federal Rules of Civil Procedure 6(e) addresses grand jury info. https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5779699-Letter-to-Congress-detailing-Robert-Mueller-s.html
  14. NYC already has a program that pays homeless one year of rent up front for them to move someplace else. It isn’t a popular program with the Mayor of Newark (or too many others). https://www.6sqft.com/newark-mayor-points-to-flaws-in-nyc-program-that-pays-homeless-people-to-leave-for-cheaper-cities/
  15. What oversight function do these alleged subpoenas support? The House doesn't investigate matters reserved for the Executive branch.
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