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Everything posted by snafu

  1. The (probably minor) hang up is that the Brits don't extradite to countries that have the death penalty. The US has to give assurances that they won't seek it. Meanwhile in Court for violating parole in UK, which carries up to a year. Apparently, Assange fell out with the new Ecuadoran regime and was acting like an ungrateful guest. This must have helped grease the skids. Though the other side of the coin is: The previous Ecuadoran Counsel was on BBC Radio this morning saying that Assange hasn't left his room in almost a year -- no visitors, computer, or phone calls allowed during that time, either.
  2. They can put a velvet rope across the doorway and charge tourists to see and smell the room.
  3. Well, they need to be careful with their choices — they’re on the “rebound”. It might be better to back away from the scene for awhile.
  4. Do you think the Ecuadorians are having a staff meeting today to discuss what to convert his room into? I’d vote for a wet bar and pool table.
  5. Two things (I didn't want to quote you twice but I'm responding to two things you said). (1) I don't think the Democratic party wants Bernie or Beto or Biden to ultimately prevail. Their success cuts against the identity politics that the left thinks is successful for them. (2) Regarding the above quoted post, would you honestly say that about any other incumbent Republican President against any of the Democratic candidates you've spoken about?
  6. It IS business as usual. It is always sleazy. Another example is whomever recorded Mitt Romney's 48% comment and sent it to Obama's people. Another one was GW Bush's smear against McCain in South Carolina. I think project veritas broke a story in 2016 about paid agitators sent in by Democrats to Trump rallies to cause fights and violence. It seems that business as usual is okay for every candidate in history -- except one. Biden's "apology" was worse for him than the attack. It made him seem woefully out of touch and I think it is the real nail in his coffin. Someone wants/wanted him out of the way. He' would steamroll in the debates.
  7. Wait, now I have to ask. Hurry Barr, hurry! or Barr sucks, he's a loser. or both?
  8. ^^^^^^There was a good, long thread awhile back about universal basic income and automation taking over human jobs.
  9. If so, then they'd better come up with a lot of examples where FISA warrants were obtained without probable cause of a crime -- let alone against Presidential campaign members. #Resisters/protesters who break the law always complain that the cops who come to arrest them are fascist pigs. Besides, they've been claiming that the fascists have taken over the government since 11/9/16.
  10. 3rd, I volunteered to be on the "stupid" panel. My self of steam can't be ruined.
  11. Groundskeeper Willie, why? Maybe you should be on this panel, too! You're in. We need one more.
  12. I started this thread because candidates began making their announcements back in October. Aside from announcements, not one candidate has really decided to step up and talk about issues. They're all afraid to step on their own "foot" (in deference to @Buffalo_Gal) and get bludgeoned to death about it. The tiptoeing and bludgeoning is supremely entertaining at this point, and that will continue throughout this year. How many (aside from Beto, who claims that there is still a conspiracy between Trump and Russia) even want to go out on a limb at this point about the Mueller investigation and results. Few, because they're chickenshit. Also, think about the fact that it is widely speculated (by people outside PPP) that the recent "attacks" on Biden were generated by a D candidate. Not every anti-D sentiment comes from what you might consider far right nutjobs. To me, it is interesting to see the juxtaposition of candidates who need to watch EVERY action they perform, and measure EVERY word they say vs. an incumbent who has given himself the freedom to say ANYTHING he wants. I'm not making a value judgment in that -- just pointing out that Trump has a massive luxury in that regard that none of his prospective opponents do. Once candidates start talking about issues, people will respond to the issues they raise. I'm sure that if you dig deeper into this thread, you will find examples of that -- in a PPP kind of way. Feel free to point out some issues being discussed by candidates. This might seem self-serving, but I would have made the same thread about Republican primaries in 2015 if I was posting down here at that time. That spectacle was huge fun, too.
  13. Looks like a great opportunity for a Chick-Fil-A Site right across Genesee Street at the airport entrance. On Google Maps (maybe not updated) there's a perfect spot where Budget Rent-a-Car used to be.
  14. This is for Bman. I liked these updates that he posted. Dyngus Day is almost here. https://www.battleswarmblog.com/
  15. Not exactly a “name drop” in a good way. I heard that as I was driving home from work. Levin asked Nunes what division at DOJ would work on the referral and whether perhaps there should be a special counsel to take over his referreal. Nunes said that he’s giving everything directly to Barr to let him decide. He doesn’t want leaks, so the referral is only going to Barr. Levin and Nunes joked that if Barr hands off his referral to Huber, we won’t see results for 40 years.
  16. Serious question: Can someone tell me why the Dem candidates shunned AIPAC, but all attended NAN?
  17. I agree. My bigger point was that party affiliation shouldn't matter if you're doing your job. And it shouldn't cause you to undermine someone else's job. And it shouldn't matter when you're calling someone out, or investigating, or punishing people for forgetting that they should be neutrals who need to place country over party.
  18. So is Comey, I think. Horowitz a D. Huber a D. To honest people, there should be no difference. Didn't see that with Strzok of Page or McCabe or Nellie Ohr, or Brennan and Clapper.
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