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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Now for the Islanders to finish their job.
  2. I finally got a chance to turn it on. Looks like Tampa Bay is putting on the heat. Old Howie Meeker voice : Katy bar the door!
  3. Every fire is different but I was up in Salisbury Cathedral last summer. There was a bad fire there in the 1800s and they almost lost it. They saved it by putting out the fire by bucket brigade. I have a photo of a burnt timber from that fire. I can't upload it from my phone because I don't know how to re-size it. Salisbury and Notre Dame were built around 100 years apart. There's hope yet.
  4. Wow! What a catastrophe! Truly awful.
  5. I’d have gone with roast pork in honor of that Night’s Watch guy that they burned at Craster’s Keep. Maybe also steak tartare for the Bolton Bastard who got eaten by his own dogs.
  6. I’ve thought that, too — but from the Clinto perspective, not the Trump/Russia perspective. I think Comey was somehow pissed off that he couldn’t say in July what he wanted to say about Clinton. After that, I believe the polls leading up to the election were off and people (especially Comey) got complaicent about who the next president was presumed to be. I would bet that the Clinton campaign had more accurate poll numbers showing that the race was a lot closer, and that’s why they lost their ***** at the end of October when Comey re-opened the investigation. Comey probably thought he could redeem himself from the July B.S. decision not to pursue the investigation by pulling his little October surprise. He also probably thought he could do a quick check of Weiner(s laptop) and clear Clinton before the election to help her credibility after she won. Checking it and clearing her after she won wouldn’t have helped her or Comey. Remember, he knew about the laptop for a month before he announced anything. Even if the poll numbers were tight, it didn’t get Clinton to Wisconsin (she screwed that up all by herself). Comey sucks. He’s both devious and stupid with a lot of self-centered motivation thrown in. Since he’s been thrown out of his job, he’s been on a long national tour of self-preservation. So his credibility is shot, too. He’s a doomed man. If he were the paragon of virtue that he thinks he is, then he’d have put himself in a much better position in life than he now finds himself in. Rod Rosenstein, however — he’s the ultimate beureaucratic survivor. He’s the cockroach that comes crawling out from under the nuclear ash.
  7. I’m sure he’d think different if he was the one being surveiled, instead of doing the surveillance. He’s a career investigator/prosecutor. I would guess he stopped looking at things from a defense/civil rights perspective a long time ago — and especially not since 11/9/16.
  8. Didn’t you make a bet with someone way back when about the total number of indictments of team Trump vs. Team anti-Trump?
  9. I am. I’m glad they’re spelling it out for me. I like to sit in my inner tube bumping down the stream with a beer in my hand. No paddling or steering for me, no sir. ?
  10. Wow, You didn't answer one of the questions I asked. Instead, you accuse me of practicing every stereotype you clearly abhor. You breezed in here two days ago and complained that nobody talks about issues. Then, when an issue is discussed, you refuse to further the conversation. Nice. I didn't say change was easy. I didn't say that I was against change. In a roundabout, but pretty easy to understand way, I answered your question about "hard working middle class and lower class Americans". It isn't just about taxes, is it? I just asked you who you expect to pay for the change. The "Green New Deal" that most (if not all) D Presidential candidates have praised has absolutely NO details. But you want to hold it up as a plan for something. Great. Your ideas about it are as valid as anyone else's, I suppose. Unless you want to answer my questions, I'm through with you, bro.
  11. If this is true (BIG if to me), then Ecuador's new regime had to have been in on it, and sat on Assange until the time was right. Maybe yes, maybe no. I will say that the soured relations with Assange and Ecuador for the past several months lends credence.
  12. I will ask the obvious question: Who do YOU assume is going to shoulder the load? It isn't just taxes. If utility companies have to switch to entirely green measures to generate electricity, then aren't their bills going to go up to finance the changeover? If auto companies switch to electric-only cars, what do people do with their obsolete fossil fuel burners? Gotta buy a new lawnmower. Gotta change over all gas users to electric. Who pays for that? Any small business owner who relies on gasoline or natural gas for their livelihood. Who pays for their switchover (whatever that entails)? If you say "the rich" then who's left to make investments to keep the economy moving? Who improves unimproved real property if there's no one who can afford to take the risk of loss? People who have money to LOSE are the ones who innovate and take the risk of improving our society. They are the risk-takers. When the government decides that it wants to take money from private citizens, do you think they take risks which grow the economy? I strongly believe that the answer is no.
  13. Am I getting ahead of myself? Let's call it a prediction, then.
  14. Funny, after the MUELLER INVESTIGATION concluded, the charge against Assange is for hacking NOT RELATED to the 2016 election.
  15. Since it is Lent and tomorrow is Friday, here's a nice little pasta fagioli recipe: --Mince up a couple cloves of garlic and chop a half of a yellow onion into small diced pieces. --heat up some olive oil in a medium size sauce pan and put the garlic and onion in. Wait until the onions get clear. --take three plum tomatoes and chop them into small pieces (not too small). --take a stalk of lettuce and slice it lengthwise. --open up two cans of cannellini beans -- don't drain them (or halfway drain them if you like). --you need a few fresh basil leaves, chopped. --when the onions and garlic are ready, then put in the tomatoes and dump in the beans and fill each can with water and dump them in. Put in the celery and the basil, too. You'll need about a tablespoon of salt, and a teaspoon of ground black pepper. Get it up to a boil and then simmer it down for about 45 minutes. --Make the pasta in a separate sauce pan and when the soup is ready, put the two together. You should add some grated parmesean cheese, maybe some crushed red pepper, and if you want it a bit creamier, put a touch of butter in the bowl. A little crusty bread and a cold beer to go with it.
  16. Me too. I think that's treatable with an over the counter cream.
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