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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Hospice workers get none of the glory they deserve -- nor do they seek it, which raises my esteem for them even higher. They are blessings to the ill and their families.
  2. Derangement isn’t limited to progressive-socialists by any stretch of the imagination. Actually, what I’m saying is that prog-socialists aren’t smart enough to compromise on their principles to let Biden out of the primaries. Their lurch to the left and box-checking will override the real goal of retaking the Executive — and that’s stupid. They want to win on their ideas, not on old liberalism. They’re not smart enough to get in and normalize themselves. No matter how much fawning press prog-socialists continue to get, there aren’t enough of them (yet) to win. And the the way I see them in particular is that they want to tear down the Republic after they’re in, not just to get the orange baboon out.
  3. This is actually what makes him more formidable against Trump in the general election. If he gets that far, people will still vote for him no matter the baggage, and he becomes kind of like Trump in that way. Everyone knows Trump’s warts and he still got votes in 2016. The problem with Joe is that he’s too much like Trump for Democrats to lift him up through the primaries. They don’t want to vote for the old white guy with warts who says stupid things. They’ve got that guy in the White House already, and they’re trying to get him out.
  4. Mother-***** DeBlasio. I swear, if the next cataclysmic meteor hits, please let it land on Gracie Mansion. I don't mind taking one for the team.
  5. Who's that guy's agent? Why couldn't that news break before day one of the draft. Something smells funny.
  6. If it is truly landlocked, you don't think there would be an easement by proscription or necessity? I do. The first party to find out if there's a right of way will be the one who has the upper hand in negotiating this.
  7. It is difficult to understand exactly what you're asking without knowing the parcels. Are you saying that the lot you want to purchase has no access to a public road? How to the current owners get on and off the lot? There must be some access, either by land fronting a public way, or by a private easement. Without an answer to that, it is very difficult to answer your question. Assuming there's no direct, physical access to a public road -- generally, if there is already a written, recorded easement in place, then your question is already answered and you don't have to worry about anything other than market value. Sometimes, there is an easement created by implication -- someone uses a path or driveway for a period of years and the right of way is created by that use -- as long as no objection is made by the true property owner. Sometimes, there's an easement by "necessity". That is really site-specific. If you NEED an easement, then you need to purchase it from whomever is willing to sell you the right. That goes dollar for dollar by the price per square foot. You'd likely have to bear the cost of improving the land to install a road or driveway, etc. And you'd probably be required to pay legal fees, recording charges, surveys, and transfer tax (if the Seller tries to pass that off to you). You might want to (a) get a copy of an old survey of the lot, and (b) do a quick title search to see if there are any recorded easements. I think you will find that NOBODY landlocks their own parcel without leaving a way in or out.
  8. Not only that, Messum's 1% is bigger than Swalwell's 1%.
  9. Who the hell is Wayne Messam? Is that a joke name to see if anyone is paying attention?
  10. Hate watching the Bruins win but I like watching the Leafs lose. ? Go Blue Jackets!
  11. Insulated with baby sealskin? I’m going to have my reusable grocery bag made of this (Ivory handles, too).
  12. Not sure but I don't remember ever seeing an NHL team be specific about an injury during the playoffs. It seems as though it is team policy that's either condoned or not prohibited by the league.
  13. I get that, but it was a general question about why teams do this that I was answering. They do it for every player in case that player comes back after a game or a few off. The Capitals will continue to do it for Oshie until such time as he's absolutely ruled out of the remainder of the playoffs.
  14. Your guess is as good as anyone else's. That's the point of the general injury report.
  15. Teams don't want opponents targeting specific body parts. General descriptions of injuries are believed to limit that.
  16. Warren needs to do something to stand out from among the other candidates. AOC jumping on board is normal and average for a D in the House. I actually give Warren credit for this move. It seems like none of the D presidential candidates (except maybe Beto) wanted to take a stand on this whole issue.
  17. Ugh! Looks like the Blues stuck a dagger in Winnipeg's neck with a late late goal.
  18. Is he going to beg Putin for assistance to invade the South like his grandfather did with Stalin?
  19. I don't like this switching from third person to first person. He should be more like Ricky Henderson and be consistent.
  20. Hey y'all, I was driving from Long Island to Buffalo all day. Did anything big happen today that I should know about?
  21. Last week or so, you ambled in here and called PPP a circle jerk. You claimed that nobody bothered to discuss issues. People actually tried to engage you in a discussion of issues and you ran off for awhile. Then you came back and claimed that this place is still full of negativity. You got into a discussion with someone who actually read your links and described them to you -- because you obviously didn't do that. Your response is (a) everyone posts links without reading them and (b) you don't have time to discuss things. Great. Thanks for dropping by, Mr. Honest. OUR youths' time is NOT better spent having YOU teach them if this is an example of your ability.
  22. I’m liking the first two weeks at Meadowlands. I should be at both of those. Loving T-Day at 4:30, too. The early, pre bye, set of games looks like a good setup for a fast start, including NE at home.
  23. They gonna release everyone's video? If not, then they shouldn't release anyone's. I vote for no disclosure of any of the videos, unless it is in a courtroom.
  24. Isles seal the deal! Now to Watch if Winnipeg can even up the series and get momentum going back home. Go Jets!
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