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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Pretty bold. He'd better back it up with performance.
  2. The point is they ALLOWED him to talk. The issue was whether a prisoner of war would be permitted to choose his punishment . Grey Worm started by telling him to shut up and telling the Council that Tyrion was his prisoner. Then he backed off and let Tyrion spout off.
  3. I get your point, but Tyrion basically chose the King. He was wearing shackles.
  4. Not only Sam, but Bran and Sansa and Arya. They were sitting there and they all knew. And shouldn't a three eyed Raven live up North, where Wierwood trees grow?
  5. Maybe they should give out adversity points to stupid people. Why are they underrepresented?
  6. Maybe, but to be the thinker in that pairing isn't really a high accomplishment.
  7. Yep. NYC gives out free lunches because they figure some kids aren't getting fed at home. Oh, and NYC gives students free SAT prep classes. Does that result in a "negative" score? This whole "adversity score" thing is just another twist in the boondoggle that college admissions have become. Not really moving the needle in my estimation. I bet many schools already try to take these factors into account.
  8. Those guys at least had a tough time because the City was broke. deB actually has a City that isn't broke, but he's spending it into Bankruptcy. I haven't heard anyone say one good word about him, his governing style, or his results in the five years he's been Mayor. I listen to WNYC when driving to work in the morning and every Friday at 10:00 is "ask the Mayor". Today, the Mayor was delayed because he's in Iowa. The reporter who was on from Iowa said he's at an Ethanol plant in Iowa to talk about renewable energy . So they opened up the phone lines to listeners and asked whether they thought he should stay in his job to to the work of Mayor, instead of running for Federal Office. The callers I heard said he should stay and fix the mess he's presiding over. My take is: thank God he won't be around the City to mismanage it. Hopefully, it will run better without his input. I hope he stays in the races (with his <1% polling numbers) for his entire term.
  9. This man, right here, will make for fun times. I’m psyched! He is so self-deluded, he will never drop out of the race.
  10. Agreed. A lot of what has made the books and series good were the ways in which battles were avoided rather than fought. I get it that these last two battles were inevitable. Actually, one was a battle then the other was not -- more like a slaughter. The burning of Kings Landing was as likely as not. It was not a given even up to the time before the Night King was defeated. Only then did she notice how Jon was revered, and his claim sealed her fate. Even when Tyrion begged her to call off the attack if the bells started ringing, she gave a tepid assent. When she was sitting on her dragon listening to the bells, she almost relented.
  11. Didn't he just have heart surgery recently?
  12. According to many here, they should have seen it coming. And their desire to devote nearly entire episodes to CGI battles when the preceding 7 seasons were made with dialogue and character development.
  13. I was talking about his Avatar switch... Putin sucks. His skating style is stiff, and he's weak on the puck. Decent backhand, but he's probably a locker room distraction. Likely tries to undermine the coaching staff.
  14. I could see her flying off to leave Westeros to itself. All the big decisions (Night King/Euron fighting Jamie/Jamie and Cersi's deaths/quick Dany change from beneficent Queen to enraged bitter indiscriminate killer) have been somewhat underwhelming so far, why not continue the trend? Last night felt like a big eff U to the West, like Danerys was saying "if you won't embrace me, then burn and die and off I go with my dragon."
  15. I don’t know if that’s common where you’re from, but jumping on a bus here in the states will get you a lot of weird looks, and will probably get you kicked off. Local advice: don’t jump on the bus.
  16. Danny to Tyrion: I thought you said to lay off the city UNTIL I hear the bells ring!
  17. Actually, I intend to be Emperor, but when I am I will give this proposal serious consideration. In fact I'm offering you a position as Minister for the Persecution of Frivolous Behavior.
  18. The line is already twenty people deep!
  19. Did anyone ask any of those 700 prosecutors if the investigation was predicated on real facts and evidence? Did anyone ask any of those prosecutors whether the investigation was a proper endeavor in the first place? Would any other President have been investigated like this one has?
  20. Well then, I guess I can add those musings to the many wasted moments in my life to date.
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