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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Wow. That’s just weird. This should go into the “hasn’t aged well” thread!
  2. Some of them. It’ll be fine 🙁!
  3. They’re going to leave some good talent behind. What a nice problem to have.
  4. Dude, that’s no way to talk about your mom.
  5. That's why the Whiskey is peanut butter flavored.
  6. Enforce the laws that are already on the books. Not sanction Mexico for doing something that they are within their rights to do.
  7. Mexico can do whatever the hell it pleases.
  8. Thanks for that. Still lame. Guardians of traffic.
  9. Lame name. What are they “guarding”? Should have gone back to the Spiders if anything.
  10. I think that little sign she’s holding says “don’t bother, dude”.
  11. Here are NYS vaccination rates broken down by race/ethnicity. https://covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/vaccine-demographic-data Tell all the Black, Asian and Latino residents of NY how stupid they're being -- or are they all dumbass conservatives who deserve what they get? Here's where the Delta variant is most concentrated as of now https://www.newsweek.com/delta-variant-five-us-states-spreading-covid-19-1609632 "The data concluded that the areas with the highest proportions of the Delta variant—or B.1.617.2— among their cases are Missouri at 74.6 percent, Nevada at 44.1 percent, Colorado at 36.5 percent, California at 31.1 percent and New Jersey at 28.6 percent." I don't see a Florida, Alabama, or a Mississippi on that list. I'm not saying that Covid is not present in the Southeast, I'm just saying that your overgeneralizations are pretty much inaccurate and misleading. Maybe, just maybe, it isn't a North-South, urban/rural, blue-red, left-right thing. And maybe people have various personal reasons for not getting vaccinated.
  12. ...Cuba, Venezuela, Iran. To me, things work fine the way the system is set up. Sure, the peripheral things like political lobbyists, and mega corporations, and media bias, and internet social engineering exist, but things like that always existed. Republicans complained that nothing got accomplished when their party held the Executive and majorities in the House and Senate. Democrats are complaining about the same thing now. That, to me, is a good sign that things can't go off the rails too far one way or the other. Nothing REALLY changes and Democrats that want to change the rules don't like that. Don't forget that there's the invisible power that voters have over politicians -- political backlash and getting rejected in the next election. One big and ugly difference between the two parties is that lately when Democrats don't get their way through the system that's set up now, they call to change the rules to make success inevitable (Electoral College, Supreme Court packing, Filibuster). The political class doesn't want to upset their cash/power cow. But things will change drastically and for the worse if these proposals to amend the existing rules are put in place. New Unfunded Entitlements, not just social programs.
  13. It’s a fake Cup. The dude with the white gloves who trucks the fake cup around has to be feeling like the exposed phony he is. https://ftw.usatoday.com/2021/07/lightning-stanley-cup-dented-boat-parade From the article: “That’s a dent alright! Luckily, the Stanley Cup that was damaged is the traveling Stanley Cup that’s used for celebrations such as this. The original Stanley Cup sits at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto, safe and sound.”
  14. McDonalds fries are the best, as long as they remember to salt them. Special shout out for their hash browns, too. The best of the best.
  15. Fun ??? WOW !!!
  16. Uh well I never said anything about fraud.
  17. Yep. You won’t see any “falsely claims” in the headlines.
  18. Especially since there were zero mistakes about 18 months ago. None. Nationwide. Nothing needed to be looked at.
  19. So NOW Buffalo is a "major American city". Population, 256,000; 86th largest in the country. Good for Ms. Walton. Her winning the primary is a success story, but Buffalo ain't "major".
  20. Wow, if true — not good. Suspected nuclear plant leak. Though I don’t think China will care much. https://news.yahoo.com/china-nuclear-plant-leak-us-120055420.html
  21. I always look at the third year guys for breakouts. Oliver Ford Singletary Knox If even one of those four have a big (breakout) year, that's great. More than one would be phenomenal.
  22. So that's a yes. You believe what you want to believe. The "echo chamber news that you see in this board" comes from both sides and parties' platforms. How do you quantify "much worse"? You say "alternate reality" but perhaps you mean a less hyperbolic "different viewpoint".
  23. Why is it always about the "party"? Why is one party "good" and another party "bad"? You only believe what you want to believe? You seem to lose sight of the issue that most news outlets are shameless shills for the Political Class -- both left and right. They should just come out from behind their transparent curtain and go back to the days when there were "party publications" and let all the other outlets report on the un-slanted facts.
  24. And huge governments overseeing command economies just hasn’t been done right, yet. Let’s keep trying that. Minimal government has only been rejected by the government itself.
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