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Everything posted by snafu

  1. Here's a good one of Pete's proposals: Electoral college: A national popular vote to replace the Electoral College Wouldn't we first need an Amendment to the Constitution in order to Amend the Constitution by national popular vote?
  2. Rectangular. Crust isn't regular NY style or as thick as Sicilian. There's less cheese, more sauce. More Oregano seasoning, or basil leaves. An old school, home made type of pie.
  3. NYC (and Long Island). Every single Pizzeria serves sicilian. Very recently, most also have started making Granny style (sometimes also called Brooklyn style).
  4. The bolded part -- this is deceptive posting right here. There's no pizza without crust (outer, under, inner, whatever). 100% of people believe that crust is important. It is the platform for the other components that make up a pizza. In fact there have been many people who've chimed in on the fact that the "outer" crust only exists if the sauce, cheese, and toppings are not extended all the way out to the perimeter of the dough. Of course if the un-topped dough sucks, then the entire pizza is likely to suck. Perhaps the proper poll question would have been: "should the sauce, cheese and toppings be extended to the edges of the dough?" Or better yet: "who here likes plain pizza dough?"
  5. 10 Downing is in a congestion pricing zone. She might want to consider using her bike.
  6. I don’t hope anyone “resists the peaceful passing of power”, peacefully or otherwise. I don’t like that it’s been going on since November, 2016. As Hillary Clinton once said, it is a threat to our democracy. Is it okay to resist the peaceful passing of power? Can I keep my #resist bumper sticker on my car? Should I sell all my Antifa gear on ebay, or will I still need it? Can we keep investigating the President endlessly (now for things he might have done as a private citizen)? Because if it’s not okay, then what has this country been doing for 2.5 years, and especially since the midterm elections?
  7. WTF with the round pizza cut in squares? If someone delivered that to my house I’d call back and tell them that they ***** up my pizza. This is a family forum bro.
  8. Wow, why don’t they just take the rest of what they have in stock and put them under people’s windshield wipers in the parking lot.
  9. It's all one crust, no? Main crust, outer crust -- one crust.
  10. So he was talking about Lao Tzu's parents? Would you take two solid third liners? I would at this point.
  11. Yes, but fraud statutes rarely come into play if the bank does what it normally does -- which is verify the income and expense/value of the asset. Banks get audited regularly. If something is fishy, then yes a bank should report. But lenders don't usually let things get that far because they need to cover their asses (a) not to give out bad loans, and (b) to make sure the auditors are satisfied.
  12. The NYT reporter is trying to sell his lame book. Big Fart.
  13. Banks do their own appraisals of property. Doesn’t matter what a borrower says. If the bank was dumb enough not to verify the value of Trumps assets then it that Trumps fault?
  14. Any Presidential candidate must file a financial disclosure within 30 days of declaring his or her candidacy. Trump filed his in May, 2015. I bet he’s got to file another one for the 2020 election. Not sure if he officially declared or filed an updated disclosure yet. Anyone could do the digging to see what foreign entanglements he might have had prior to his election. Nobody seems to have cared until after he won. Still nobody seems to have tried. Everyone wants to see his tax returns. Tax returns don’t show the source of income in the way you’re thinking it will. http://pfds.opensecrets.org/N00023864_2015_Pres.pdf
  15. Who does he have us trading with to get all the way up to 7?
  16. Are you including Nunes’ referrals in that count?
  17. I gotta get my kid in juvie for a year or two! I see seven adversity points right there.
  18. Any tips on how to make this the screen saver on my phone?
  19. He's still in custody in the UK, yes? Why didn't they hand over his belongings to the UK?
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